I recently rescued an 18mo old male cat, Sam, from the Humane Society (neutered while there). My resident cat is a 10yr old male neutered cat, Sid. His companion cat (22yr old) died in the summer and we thought he needed companionship. The 10yr old is very laid back, affectionate and not overly play or food motivated. He is a bit of a scaredy cat (eg, when someone knocks on the door or when the vacuum comes out). The new cat is affectionate, confident and it turns out very food and play motivated. Once the neutering and mite/worm medications had all worn off he turned into an extremely active cat.
We were following the general introduction advice (isolation, no visual, scent swapping, site swapping, feeding opposite closed door which was going very well, Feliway diffusers, separate resources, etc.) when we had a bad incident about 10 days in. Sam escaped, ran straight at Sid who was lounging on his cat scratcher, and “attacked“ - fur flying and yowling from Sid at least. The attack lasted only a few seconds and I don’t actually remember how my husband and I broke it up. Once we had separated them we found that Sid had lost two of his back claws. There was no posturing and no noise prior to the attack so I really don’t know if Sam was in kill mode or play mode.
So back to square one. We scent and site swapped with no contact for a few days then started back at closed door feeding, then cracked open the door with a baby gate and towel, slowly adding visuals. We had got to either side of a glass door no towel (lickable treats for Sam and brushing for Sid as their jackpot treats) with Sid rolling on the ground purring and Sam distractable with the treat and seeming interested when he looked at Sid. At this point it had been about 6 weeks since Sam arrived.
We then tried a face to face with Sam on a harness & leash well down a hallway and Sid in our living room with sight lines to each other. Sid lasted about 10yr seconds before he ran into his carrier (he uses it as a sleeping den). We tried again the next day and Sid barely lasted one second. So we backed up to the glass door, Sid ran. We backed up to Sid eating directly on the other side of a closed door from Sam and that turned out positively each time. So we moved to the slightly cracked open door with baby gate. Sid would not eat at a greater distance away than when we first started and it’s as far away as we can get given our house layout.
Any advice on how I move this introduction forward with such a stressed cat?
We were following the general introduction advice (isolation, no visual, scent swapping, site swapping, feeding opposite closed door which was going very well, Feliway diffusers, separate resources, etc.) when we had a bad incident about 10 days in. Sam escaped, ran straight at Sid who was lounging on his cat scratcher, and “attacked“ - fur flying and yowling from Sid at least. The attack lasted only a few seconds and I don’t actually remember how my husband and I broke it up. Once we had separated them we found that Sid had lost two of his back claws. There was no posturing and no noise prior to the attack so I really don’t know if Sam was in kill mode or play mode.
So back to square one. We scent and site swapped with no contact for a few days then started back at closed door feeding, then cracked open the door with a baby gate and towel, slowly adding visuals. We had got to either side of a glass door no towel (lickable treats for Sam and brushing for Sid as their jackpot treats) with Sid rolling on the ground purring and Sam distractable with the treat and seeming interested when he looked at Sid. At this point it had been about 6 weeks since Sam arrived.
We then tried a face to face with Sam on a harness & leash well down a hallway and Sid in our living room with sight lines to each other. Sid lasted about 10yr seconds before he ran into his carrier (he uses it as a sleeping den). We tried again the next day and Sid barely lasted one second. So we backed up to the glass door, Sid ran. We backed up to Sid eating directly on the other side of a closed door from Sam and that turned out positively each time. So we moved to the slightly cracked open door with baby gate. Sid would not eat at a greater distance away than when we first started and it’s as far away as we can get given our house layout.
Any advice on how I move this introduction forward with such a stressed cat?