Cat flu?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 22, 2014
My cat was taken to the vet yesterday after 24 hours of not eating and throwing up a few times clear liquid. That did blood work which all looked good temperature was normal on the X-ray they found a little bit of thickening in the intestines, but she thought since the age of the cat was so young that it was probably IBS. The weird thing is the cat was given a syrinia injection and a dose of prednisone and sent home. She still hasn't eaten as of today that I know of and is extremely nauseated because she is still licking her mouth.

A friend and rescue said that something was going around with all of her cats. Similar symptoms with clear vomiting and not eating. A couple had to be hospitalized. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced similar things going on with their cats. I'm a little worried because our one cat who absolutely never vomits through up this morning and it was also clear. In his 3 years he is probably thrown up three or four times and most of the time it has been food
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 22, 2014
This was posted on my FB after asking. If anyone if having issues this might be what's happening

"There is a very nasty virus going around that cats are picking up. The only thing that I have found that is kicking it is high dose Clavamox or amoxiclav or some other antibiotic such as augmentin, and prednisone. You have to have the steroid to kick this junk. I've had three cats with it I have a friend who has had four cats with it I have another girlfriend in another rescue who has had I don't even know how many cats and kittens with it, and a lot of the kittens are dying."


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Did your Vet mention anything about something going around? I have not heard about anything, but that doesn't mean it isn't happening. I will say, though, that if a virus, an antibiotic probably won't help. They help with bacterial infections, but not viruses. Anti-virals sometimes help, but aren't typically given unless it's something like HIV or Covid, and I have no idea if they are even any for cats.

If your little one is nauseated, ask your Vet for an anti-emetic. Neither of those meds you mentioned are for nausea. Also, cats will typically throw up clear vomit if their tummies have been empty too long, so it's kind of a Catch 22. As long as there is no blockage, which I am gathering there isn't since they saw thickening of the intestines with some sort of ultrasound or xray, then you may need to start force feeding, as cats who go too long without food can end up with liver issues.

Definitely let your Vet know that she isn't doing any better.