I rescued a 12 year old male cat from the street in June, and a 1 month old female cat from the street in September. She is around 3 months old now. Both of them are unfixed, and I have a spay appt. for the kitten in 3 months (it’s the earliest one I could get, as spaying at our vet would cost $600, and I’m a college student who is low income). I realize it may have been irresponsible for me to take in two cats, especially since they are opposite sex/unfixed, but both were going to die if I didn’t take them in (they were both very sick) and they are much happier living inside my apartment. The female cat hasn’t reached sexual maturity yet, I don’t think, but I am scared about what will happen in the next three months before she is spayed. Will she go into heat, since it’s winter? Should I keep them separate for now, even though she hasn’t reached maturity? I know it happens around the 4 month mark… I have never dealt with a cat in heat before, so any advice would be very appreciated. My apartment has two bedrooms, so keeping them separate is possible. Should I just spend the $600 and get her spayed now? Financially, that would be very hard, but I could make it work if I budget very well. The vet who is three months away only costs $126, but I am willing to spend more if this is going to cause a lot of trouble.