Bone marrow cancer and needle biopsy - I am so scared

Molly and Abby

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 22, 2018
Okay - I am back (unfortunately). My 12.5 year old kitty Molly's kidney functions returned to normal once the UTI and kidney infection were cleared up. She has been eating and gained 1/2 lb since her hospital stay

Long story short - she may have bone marrow cancer. The pathologist report noted oddities for white blood cells. She was retested today and no real difference, but now she's slightly anemic.

Other than the above, her breathing, temperature and gums were normal in today's recheck with her regular vet.

We will see a specialist (oncologist) for needle biopsy and consult tomorrow.

I am so scared. And I feel so guilty.

She's an indoor only cat. Fully vaccinated, including Feline Leukemia Virus. She had all her vaccines in November 2024. She takes prednisolone every other day (.3 mg) for IBD. Her June 2024 labs were completely normal.

Did I miss something? I feel so guilty and scared.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
I am so sorry all this is happening. I know it's very scary. :hugs:
How long ago was she cleared from the UTI and kidney infection? Did the vet think there's any possibility that the white blood cell changes could be from that infection she was fighting?
As far as being slightly anemic, IIRC gum color is kind of the gold standard for checking on that. If her gum color is normal/pink, this is a very good sign.
I don't think you missed anything, and I don't think you've done anything wrong at all. Cats are so stoic and they can develop issues so silently. I hope that these blood work results resolve, and you get good news. Please keep us updated on how things go tomorrow.
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Molly and Abby

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 22, 2018
I am so sorry all this is happening. I know it's very scary. :hugs:
How long ago was she cleared from the UTI and kidney infection? Did the vet think there's any possibility that the white blood cell changes could be from that infection she was fighting?
As far as being slightly anemic, IIRC gum color is kind of the gold standard for checking on that. If her gum color is normal/pink, this is a very good sign.
I don't think you missed anything, and I don't think you've done anything wrong at all. Cats are so stoic and they can develop issues so silently. I hope that these blood work results resolve, and you get good news. Please keep us updated on how things go tomorrow.
No, that was the first thing done today. The vet was expecting improvement in the WBC today because the infection is totally cleared & her kidney function are completely normal. No real improvement in blood tests and now she's slightly anemic. She hasn't ever tested anemic before.

This cat and I have a very special bond. I love all of my cats, of course, but Molly is definitely my favorite. An orange tabby female who is a chatterbox Velcro lapcat.

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
She is beautiful. Did they discuss running a test for viruses. Even though she is vaccinated and previously tested. Can you post the blood results? What a slide reviewed by a pathologist? Has she ever had fleas? Even as a kitten?
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Molly and Abby

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 22, 2018
The test for viruses and parasites were ran and came up negative. I adopted Molly when she was 9 months old from Purrfect Cat Rescue. Yes, the blood work and slides were reviewed by a pathologist. Yes, Molly has been fully vaccinated - including FeLV, rabies, FVRCP - and it was in 2024. I had to renew her Pet License. All my cats have flea control, are indoor only cats and I have a quarterly pest control service .

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My cats all have leukemia, or FeLV. They started to become sick all the time when they were about 4 years old, they were indoor outdoor then. One was "days" from death. I somehow got him to take a lick or two of lickable treat a day and he pulled through. They make new blood cells every 30 days if they can get through the sickness. They are still here 6 years later! Older cats can fight off infections such as these sometimes, and although they do get really sick sometimes, they pull through. They are strictly indoors now, I make sure to wash my hands everytime I mess with the out door cats, and i give them all DMG and PetWellBeing Life Gold, bought on Amazon, Walmart, or pet med sites, every morning. Those are immune builder supplements and don't interfere with vet given meds if they need them. Be sure to tell your vet any supplements given.
Just wanted to give you some hope that older cats CAN pull through many times, so as long as your Molly is gaining weight and seems happy, keep on loving her!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
Hi! So very sorry to hear this is happening to your both.

No, you didn't miss something. Obviously you pay attention as you knew something was up and asked the vet to check while she was in for her monthly injection.

Once I took my Charlie in for his annual. Nothing was up with him. He has some know issues, two being IBD/IBS and pancreatitis. During the bloodwork his panc tests came back as unreadable - off the charts - greater than 50! You would have never know there was a thing going on at that time. That's how good cats can be at not showing us. It's pretty scary how good they are. I swear it's enough to drive us to paranoia at times.

So nope. You did just fine and have nothing to feel guilty about. Actually the opposite.

Right now you are doing the best you can for her. Getting her to someone who can help figure out what's going on. Her breathing, temperature and gums being normal are all good signs and reasons to stay positive. One step at a time.

Good luck to you both today and please let us know how you're both doing.



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
IF she has this, there is absolutely nothing you could have done to prevent it, and probably nothing you could have done to detect it either. But I do want to give you some hope here. One of my guys (will be 16 next month), was diagnosed with Lymphoma this past summer, so off we went to the oncologist. They confirmed it and we were to start him on chemo after they ran their own baseline bloodwork. When their bloodwork came back, he had gone into remission, even though he hadn't even started any medications yet! The oncologist said she has never seen anything like it, and of course, we keep a close eye on him for any changes, but so far, so good.

Hoping this is just a small blip and she will be fine :vibes: :vibes:
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Molly and Abby

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 22, 2018
Hello everyone and thank you all for your kindness. The somewhat good news: the specialty hospital appointment was today.

Prior to our arrival, the oncologist and internist reviewed Molly's records, didn't think she had bone marrow cancer based on only two blood tests and changed the appt from an oncology/needle biopsy to just an internist consultation.

Molly was perky and alert during the exam. The internist was so thorough in her explanation - one of the best, kindest and knowledgeable vets I have ever met.

Long story short - no needle biopsy today but retest CBC in a week with pathologist review at the specialty hospital. And Molly is doing fine - eating, drinking, going to litterbox, etc.

Again - thank you for everything!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
Wonderful news! I'm so happy for your both.

You must be so relieved!

Yes, please keep us up to date on how your all are doing.
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Molly and Abby

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 22, 2018
While the pathologist report isn't back yet, Molly's primary vet looked at her lab results.

Good news! CBC is back to normal and kidney function is normal too.

And she still doesn't act ill - she's eating and drinking and going potty normally.