Blood in cats stool


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
Cats poop + blood

Bloody cat poop.

Can somebody advice me. We’ve found blood in our cat poop. Immediately took a sample and save it in the fridge. Next I gave my vet a call and described the situation. She want me to take 5 samples, every day and bring it to the lab then. So, we took those samples and sent to the lab. Result is: no parasites.
Need to say, that every day poop looks better and better. I mean, there is no mucus anymore, no constipation and almost no blood. At least no visible, only just a very little on the toilet paper but VERY little fresh, diluted blood (pinkish red). Once I found more like cherry colored stool.
Cat behaves perfectly normal. She eat, drink, play her fav toys, etc. She’s active as usual. I can’t see any difference with her behavior.
I’m sure, she didn’t eat anything.
I’m so stressed, she is so important to me. I’m super stressed and sad to lose her. 😖 It’s been already a week, sleepless week.
Can somebody have a look at the pictures (this are from two different days)?
The only changes I can actually see is how poop looks like. It’s not soft like it used to be and huge! Never seen this much big thing made by my cat.
Also, we are in contact with our vet and Monday she will have ultrasound and blood test. But until Monday I need to survive somehow.
Thank you in advance for any feedback. 🙏🏼



Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
My (not a vet) first guess is some colitis. Does your cat strain at all when she poops? Does she get fed wet food?

And until your vet gets back to you next week, just do what you're doing. Watch her poop. This isn't a ton of blood, but good you caught it as it shouldn't be there. But your cat should be fine through the weekend.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
Yeah, it’s been 10 days ago, first time I spotted blood in her poop. I think it’s not always there. Like sometimes no blood at all and soft, and sometimes just a little. Sometimes fresh, red. Next time darker. And when poop is hard and big O can be sure there will be a bit of blood. When soft, nothing. The day she did bloody and mucus poop, she’s been super stressed the whole day and I gave her a lot of snacks to make her happy. To be honest, since we found it, I’m giving her a lot of time and play with her all the time. Haven’t seen her happier. She behave super normal. She eat like crazy, drink normally, play as usuall, spend time with us.
my browser history is full of searches about ‚bloody cat poop’.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Stop googling. Like you said, sometimes no blood. Her gut/colon is irritated. Maybe stop with the treats or any human food if she gets that. Keep her diet consistent. Make sure she gets plenty of hydration. I'm not sure where you're at, but some probiotics could help too. But best to wait until you talk to your vet.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Have you recently changed her food? Sometimes food intolerance can show up in poop as blood. Blood in stool is also common with kitties who have gastro problems such as IBD.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
We always feed her with different brands, quality food. And to be honest I’m testing right now if it’s food intolerance.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 2, 2018
Cats poop + blood

Bloody cat poop.

Can somebody advice me. We’ve found blood in our cat poop. Immediately took a sample and save it in the fridge. Next I gave my vet a call and described the situation. She want me to take 5 samples, every day and bring it to the lab then. So, we took those samples and sent to the lab. Result is: no parasites.
Need to say, that every day poop looks better and better. I mean, there is no mucus anymore, no constipation and almost no blood. At least no visible, only just a very little on the toilet paper but VERY little fresh, diluted blood (pinkish red). Once I found more like cherry colored stool.
Cat behaves perfectly normal. She eat, drink, play her fav toys, etc. She’s active as usual. I can’t see any difference with her behavior.
I’m sure, she didn’t eat anything.
I’m so stressed, she is so important to me. I’m super stressed and sad to lose her. 😖 It’s been already a week, sleepless week.
Can somebody have a look at the pictures (this are from two different days)?
The only changes I can actually see is how poop looks like. It’s not soft like it used to be and huge! Never seen this much big thing made by my cat.
Also, we are in contact with our vet and Monday she will have ultrasound and blood test. But until Monday I need to survive somehow.
Thank you in advance for any feedback. 🙏🏼
Sorry your kitty has blood etc. another possibility is that she could have a parasite like Giardia, that can cause blood in the stool too. It usually also causes soft, loose runny stool. The only way to find out really is to bring her to the DVM and get some testing done. It’s a good sign that she’s feeling well and eating well.😀
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
She’s been tested negative for parasites, just 3-4days ago.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 2, 2018
She’s been tested negative for parasites, just 3-4days ago.
Sometimes the tests can be wrong. You can get both false positive and false negative- the PCR stool test is usually more accurate than stool samples where they are looking for a phase of a parasite.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
We just came back from the vet clinic. We had ultrasound of her belly and blood test. Results of the blood test will come tomorrow. But ultrasound turned out to be perfect. Doc said there is everything perfectly fine with her. She says most likely it’s from the diet or stress. First we will go for more strict diet and observe her stool.
thanks for everyone for your help. Will keep you updated.
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
I really don’t know what I should do now. Doc says it’s fine as I said before. Ultrasound ok, blood ok, she behave as usual.
it’s been 3 weeks now. Stool was better and better. We stopped with snacks and dry food. She eats only wet food, good quality, one type and flavor. For a few days there was no blood at all, nothing. But she has constipation and it was bank holiday here where I live and I had only three cans of different food (the one I suspect now making us trouble) and what? After those cans a lot of blood. Now I’m stressed if this food and blood is just a coincidence and we have a problem. Or it makes bloody poop for real.


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
Just have to say, I'm dealing with one with IBD that can't make anywhere near a solid poo and another who gets constipation from CKD. To me, (and I'm not a vet, just an owner of cats with various poo issues) this looks a little on the hard-to-normal side. It honestly looks very normal but I know the blood is worrisome. If it's red, it's fresh and not from further up the colon (like if it were black). Most likely it's some hemorrhoidal bleeding from straining with some harder poos.

A vet would know best what to recommend. I would just trade you in a heartbeat for the firehose diarrhea and poopy butt prints I've been dealing with for a year now!
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
Thanks again guys.
for for days it was no blood in the stool. We went for strict diet: one type of food, no snacks, etc.
and now again. There was no poop for 48h and finally bloody stool.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
Just have to say, I'm dealing with one with IBD that can't make anywhere near a solid poo and another who gets constipation from CKD. To me, (and I'm not a vet, just an owner of cats with various poo issues) this looks a little on the hard-to-normal side. It honestly looks very normal but I know the blood is worrisome. If it's red, it's fresh and not from further up the colon (like if it were black). Most likely it's some hemorrhoidal bleeding from straining with some harder poos.

A vet would know best what to recommend. I would just trade you in a heartbeat for the firehose diarrhea and poopy butt prints I've been dealing with for a year now!
I came here to post exactly this.

My cat has presumptive IBD and has barely had any reactions to food through this year. I then tried some different food (I still don't know what he reacts to, so every year I make a new attempt with different food), and he had soft stool for a while. Then I stopped, went back to giving him some strong/high quality probiotics, and the problem was solved - but his stool was quite dry for a while, and he started bleeding. Since then he bleeds on and off, with no other symptoms of anything.

After keeping an eye on him, I know he isn't straining, and he isn't constipated. My guess for the moment is that he has some hemorrhoids and occasionally with dryer/harder stools it makes him bleed. It looks like the pics you have here - it's 1 or 2 drops of fresh blood that comes out at the end of the stool. With dry stools, I figure he doesn't really have enough time to heal. I've tried psyllium husk to soften them a bit (his meals consist of soup, and I soak the psyllium before adding to it), but we haven't had luck yet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
We had some bloody stools with our older cat, and they were usually hard and our vet suggested 1/4 teaspoon of miralax on her wet food once a day (at this point I do more like 1/8 tsp) and we haven't had bloody stools since. So if you think constipation might be causing it, miralax could help.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
I’ve been to the clinic today, to bring them urine for test. Asked for some meds for parasites as a preventative (maybe there are parasites we couldn’t find in the stool test). They asked me about stool, so I said that we have usually once a day but sometimes once for 48h. So they refused to sell me this as they claim my cat has constipation. And some doc came and said GIVE HER MEDS AFTER 20h WITHOUT STOOL AND IMMEDIATELY COME
TO US ANYTIME - she’s gonna have megacolon. What?! I’m mentally broken, and that guy scares me even more without even seeing my pet. And I think 20h without poo is not a big thing. Google says 72h to start to be scared.
I just don’t know what I should do next.
She gets single meat food only for a week now, probiotic, behave super normal, dietary supplements. And still we have bloody poo. I think I went through all the FB groups, all the forums, to find a solution for it and a little support.
so once again. THANK YOU so much for your time. Every answer to this thread makes me a bit happier.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
I’ve been to the clinic today, to bring them urine for test. Asked for some meds for parasites as a preventative (maybe there are parasites we couldn’t find in the stool test). They asked me about stool, so I said that we have usually once a day but sometimes once for 48h. So they refused to sell me this as they claim my cat has constipation. And some doc came and said GIVE HER MEDS AFTER 20h WITHOUT STOOL AND IMMEDIATELY COME
TO US ANYTIME - she’s gonna have megacolon. What?! I’m mentally broken, and that guy scares me even more without even seeing my pet. And I think 20h without poo is not a big thing. Google says 72h to start to be scared.
I just don’t know what I should do next.
She gets single meat food only for a week now, probiotic, behave super normal, dietary supplements. And still we have bloody poo. I think I went through all the FB groups, all the forums, to find a solution for it and a little support.
so once again. THANK YOU so much for your time. Every answer to this thread makes me a bit happier.
It is honestly wild how differently vets react to cats not pooping everyday. After having surgery on his hips as a kitten, my cat has never pooped everyday again. During the first 8 months or so, he'd go every 3-4 days - it drove me absolutely mental, and yet I never found a vet that cared about it. We saw at least 6 vets in 2 different countries (he had surgery in Brazil, but we live in France), between physical therapists and other specialists, and not a single one thought this was worth worrying about due to the lack of any other behavior that could be considered symptomatic. They'd tell me "that's just him". After almost 2 years, I'm finally inclined to agree.

This past year he's been going every other day. The one issue is that, yes, the stool gets harder/dryer, so the likelihood of a little bleeding is higher. But there are zero symptoms of constipation overall - no indication of pain when he poops, no lack of appetite, no regular vomiting (he vomited randomly on Sunday, which had never happened, so the first thing I wondered was if he was constipated... but then a few hours after he pooped as normal). Every vet I've seen has told me that, as long as he does go, doesn't cry or strain, continues to it and continues to be playful, I have nothing to worry about.

All of that to say - your cat not pooping everyday does not translate to imminent megacolon. If he suddenly started going less, then you could try and find the cause (what else has recently changed?) otherwise just watch him for other symptoms of something. My advice is to always have some Miralax at home and, if he doesn't go after 2 days, give him a bit. Not that it's necessarily an emergency (my cat has gone six days without pooping, for instance, which gave me a meltdown), but it will be more difficult for him to poop the longer he goes without doing it, and Miralax can help soften it so that it doesn't hurt.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
I’d like to update our case.
So we continue with Single Meat Rabbit high quality wet food only + probiotic + some additive called FiberActive. Since then stool is blood free I’d say. It’s almost 2 weeks now. We have had two incidents with very little blood, but it was when we tried to switch to Single meat turkey. I’ve been told to switch, because I worried about darker poop. Like ‚skin’ of that stool is dark, very dark like dark chocolate, but inside color is dark brown. I can’t get it why we have now stool with ‚skin’ which is stringy, sticky and inside consistency is nice and wet.
I’ll upload some pics, so if you guys could have a look that’d be super nice. Thanks.
PS. It’s just a small peace of the poop.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
If it's softer now and mostly with no blood, then I think that's a good case in favor of the blood being due to hard poop. I'm glad for you, I hope your kitty is more comfortable!
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2024
Isn’t the poop on the latest pics too dark? I’m getting so crazy now with her stool. Start to think now it’s black/blood in there.