August 2020 book of the month club

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Nov 25, 2013
I got the e-book !!! :woohoo: Apparently that "about 2 weeks" meant last night. I know time is flying, and the discussion period is soon, but I think I will finish the book I'm currently reading first, as I'm 83% done, then I will try to speed read "If You Knew Her".
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Nov 25, 2013
How's everyone doing with their reading? I not exactly flying through it yet, but I am up to Chapter 6.
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Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
It's a pretty fast read, so I'm already 37% done. Obviously, though, I won't be ready to discuss it tomorrow, but I will definitely be finished before the discussion period ends.

I'm enjoying it so far. It's strange, though, having a main character be someone in a coma, and yet it's not dull or boring.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Answer as many or few you would like.
Elgar has created three distinct points of view. How do these various viewpoints help to reveal these characters and unravel the mystery? How does the author withhold information about Cassie from the reader in her sections?

2.Which characters did you relate to the most? Why?

3.Which character did you trust the most at the beginning of the book? Which character did you trust the least?

4.Did you feel that Alice crossed the line of ethics in her quest to help solve the crime? Is it ever justifiable to do so if it means that a crime is resolved?

5.To what extent do you think the media is drawn to Cassie’s plight because she’s young and beautiful? Is the author saying something about why the news focuses on certain victims and ignores others?

6.How would you characterize Frank’s relationship with his daughter, Lucy? Are his parental shortcomings compensated for by his deep love for his child?

7.In this book, more than one character lies to his or her spouse. Is it ever acceptable to lie to a loved one, even to protect him or her?
8.Were you surprised by the revelation of who was driving the car that hit Cassie? Why or why not?

9.Though the novel has an optimistic ending, these characters have suffered many losses. Do happy endings ever help to mitigate grief? Why or why not

.We always ask these questions as well.

How would you rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 *****?

2. Who was your favourite character?

3. Did you have to force yourself to get through the book or were you unable to put it down?

4. Did you learn anything you didn't know before?

5. Did you find the characters believable?

6. Is there any part of the book you would change?

7. Were there any points of view you felt the author had that you disagreed with?


verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
3.Which character did you trust the most at the beginning of the book? Which character did you trust the least?

I trusted Alice the most, seemed kind and caring and honest.
Least trusted was Jonny at the beginning, I felt he had an ulterior motive for always being there as 'a friend'

4.Did you feel that Alice crossed the line of ethics in her quest to help solve the crime? Is it ever justifiable to do so if it means that a crime is resolved?

As long as you are 100% sure you are going to get the correct outcome but in Alice's case, I did feel that on occasions she went too far.

5.To what extent do you think the media is drawn to Cassie’s plight because she’s young and beautiful? Is the author saying something about why the news focuses on certain victims and ignores others?

The media are there to sell stories so if its a minor celebrity as was the case with Cassie then she is more news worthy for them

8.Were you surprised by the revelation of who was driving the car that hit Cassie? Why or why not?

Not surprised, I suspected Charlotte half way through. She brought up Jack single handed and was very protective and possessive of him. I think she was bitter that Cassie had taken Jack away from her but did a good job of hiding it.

1. How would you rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 ****


2. Who was your favourite character?

Frank closely followed by Alice

3. Did you have to force yourself to get through the book or were you unable to put it down?

Neither. I certainly didnt have to force myself although it took me about half way to want to know the ending.

4. Did you learn anything you didn't know before?

Yes. I hadnt realised just how much care a patient in a coma needed such as constantly having to moisten the eyes.

5. Did you find the characters believable?

Yes definately.

6. Is there any part of the book you would change?

Not so much the story, more the way it was written
I found that it wasnt always obvious which charactor was telling the story until I had read a few paragraphs, for example, the chapter would have the heading Cassie with her narrating, then there would be a break and start with Frank narrating. Would have liked it to be clearer.

7. Were there any points of view you felt the author had that you disagreed with?



Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
Answer as many or few you would like.

2.Which characters did you relate to the most? Why?
Alice, because I'm a retired nurse.

3.Which character did you trust the most at the beginning of the book? Which character did you trust the least?
Most- Frank, because he had no other way to be. Least- I didn't really have a least trusted.

4.Did you feel that Alice crossed the line of ethics in her quest to help solve the crime? Is it ever justifiable to do so if it means that a crime is resolved?
Yes, kind of creepy when she went to the cottage and got surprised by the motion light. Also, talking about Cassie to someone not allowed to visit, Jonny. Breaking patient confidenitality in a major way. I'm not sure I think it's OK, if Charlotte hadn't admitted to it then would they have ever figured it out?

5.To what extent do you think the media is drawn to Cassie’s plight because she’s young and beautiful? Is the author saying something about why the news focuses on certain victims and ignores others?
Yep beauty wins out for getting news read.

6.How would you characterize Frank’s relationship with his daughter, Lucy? Are his parental shortcomings compensated for by his deep love for his child?
Doesn't have much of one after his alcoholism, I don't think shortcomings are compensated for, it's Luce who decides to come back- she doesn't really know how he feels as a sober person.

8.Were you surprised by the revelation of who was driving the car that hit Cassie? Why or why not?
Yes, I had no idea! She seemed so nonviolent. I'm not good at figuring out whodunit at all.

.We always ask these questions as well.

How would you rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 *****?

2. Who was your favourite character?
Frank, having taken care of coma, locked-in, persistant vegetative state patients.

3. Did you have to force yourself to get through the book or were you unable to put it down?
Neither, could just go at my pace.

4. Did you learn anything you didn't know before?

5. Did you find the characters believable?

6. Is there any part of the book you would change?
I would have had Cassie talk to Nicky about the "event."

7. Were there any points of view you felt the author had that you disagreed with?

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
What do the readers think would have become of Frank had he lived. Do you think he would have gone back to his old ways, started drinking again and not be a nice person or would he have been a reformed charactor.
I think he had time and the mind to look at how his life had been and grasped life with both hands, become a good father and person.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
Elgar has created three distinct points of view. How do these various viewpoints help to reveal these characters and unravel the mystery? Cassie's account was of course in the past leading up to her attack. She was the person who had experienced the incidents leading up to her condition in the hospital.
Alice reported on her own conversations with Cassie's relations and feelings concerning their interactions with each other, the unborn baby and Cassie.
Frank was only able to see in the direction his head was allowed to rest, but he could hear very well. He had time to think about the goings-on in the hospital as well as about his misspent life.

How does the author withhold information about Cassie from the reader in her sections?
One isn't sure about Cassie's relationship with Jonny or even with Jake.

2.Which characters did you relate to the most? Why? Alice, because she was doing a difficult job well, Frank because he seemed to deserve a second chance.

3.Which character did you trust the most at the beginning of the book? Which character did you trust the least? Alice the most, Jake and Charlotte the least.

4.Did you feel that Alice crossed the line of ethics in her quest to help solve the crime? Is it ever justifiable to do so if it means that a crime is resolved? This is fiction! In an actual ICU there are more internal consultations and no-one would go off on his own trying to solve a crime! In real life, it's just not done and staff are too busy trying to save lives without doing police work!

5.To what extent do you think the media is drawn to Cassie’s plight because she’s young and beautiful? Is the author saying something about why the news focuses on certain victims and ignores others?
I don't think she's trying to say anything - everybody knows that the news loves the beautiful and famous - but only because that is what the (stupid) public like!

6.How would you characterize Frank’s relationship with his daughter, Lucy? Are his parental shortcomings compensated for by his deep love for his child?
In his condition, Frank is clinging at straws. He has no friends and his wife is no longer interested. Lucy is all he has so he thinks continuously back to the (few) happy experiences he shared with her. I don't think he was ever capable of "deep love" for anybody. Lucy is young, and Frank is the only father she has known, so she's doing her best for him.

7.In this book, more than one character lies to his or her spouse. Is it ever acceptable to lie to a loved one, even to protect him or her?
Sometimes it's best to say nothing!

8.Were you surprised by the revelation of who was driving the car that hit Cassie? Why or why not?
The red-herring that Charlotte didn't drive, should have made the reader suspicious, but I wasn*t really surprised.

We always ask these questions as well.

How would you rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 *****?

2. Who was your favourite character?

3. Did you have to force yourself to get through the book or were you unable to put it down?
It wasn't particularly exciting, but I managed to keep going.

4. Did you learn anything you didn't know before?

5. Did you find the characters believable?
Alice, David and Frank yes. But Cassie, Jake and Charlotte, not really.

6. Is there any part of the book you would change?
Perhaps the preface / introduction. The metaphors almost put me off reading any further!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
What do the readers think would have become of Frank had he lived. Do you think he would have gone back to his old ways, started drinking again and not be a nice person or would he have been a reformed charactor.
I think he had time and the mind to look at how his life had been and grasped life with both hands, become a good father and person.
Considering his condtion, I would be most surprised if he could have possibly recovered enough to be able to live a normal life again and take decisions on whether or not to go to the pub. I was hoping he'd be able to at least leave the unit, be less dependent on oxygen and live in specialised care, his daughter and wife coming to visit. Maybe, he would become bitter. I just don't know.

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I agree, I had hoped he would have been able to reconcile with his daughter and wife if nothing else but that evil Charlotte scuppered that.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
What do the readers think would have become of Frank had he lived. Do you think he would have gone back to his old ways, started drinking again and not be a nice person or would he have been a reformed charactor.
I think he had time and the mind to look at how his life had been and grasped life with both hands, become a good father and person.
If he lived I think he would have stayed in almost the same condition. I don't think he would have improved much at all, not near enough to be able to walk etc., so thinking that way I'm glad he didn't live. Charlotte did him a favor. I think he would have died on his own soon anyway from the infection he had.