Artie and his Issues

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Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
Yep my first cat who lived to be 20 loved sautéed mushrooms in butter. And raw egg yolks. My cat Pepper loved french fries. My dog loves fries, bread, cucumbers, blueberries, red peppets, mushrooms, no sauce or dressing, just plain.
Good job Artie! Keep eating, pooping lots and playing!!! Clear out those intestines and colon! Make your mommy and vet proud!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I used to have a dog who loved pickles. Of course, mostly he was getting them because someone put pickles on my hamburger and I had to fish them out, so there may have been a good deal of beef flavor on them...



Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
My little cat loves chocolate. I have to give him a tiny piece if I eat any or he attacks. He'll also break into everything and steal and open everything and open chocolate and eat it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
My little cat loves chocolate. I have to give him a tiny piece if I eat any or he attacks. He'll also break into everything and steal and open everything and open chocolate and eat it.
Ouch! That's worrisome. Carbohydrates aren't really good for cats, but isn't chocolate poisonous to them?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Ouch! That's worrisome. Carbohydrates aren't really good for cats, but isn't chocolate poisonous to them?

My sweet Lola would love bread and the dough my wife used to make for the home made pizza.
Then she loved zucchinis, green beans, and lately even eggplants and peppers.
The vet told me that none of them was harmful for her.

The chocolate was absolutely out of her reach, but the times I tried to lure (just to check her reaction) her she would turn her head.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Good for you Artie; never surrender!!!!

I found this picture for "Artie's Army"

xView attachment 189054

Ok, all of you Artie's Army :wave3::salute:members :hellocomputer: , also known as "AA"!!

Artie had a good day yesterday. He ate a lot...more than 1/2 cup of food. He also pooped a lot, two episodes yesterday; for a total of 11 inches!!! It was thick, one inch in diameter.. and like gel, but he got it out of him.

He ate 1/4 cup during the night. I got up late, he came into the bathroom to greet me!

He is so funny; usually goes to the box as I am getting ready for bed. I give him his last dose of cisapride then. Artie runs into his bathroom, and into his litter box. I tell him to: "dig, dig, dig".. he turns around and mutters a low "mrumph" to me.. and then proceeds to poop!! almost as if to say, "all right, already"....

Today is another hot, humid day. I am about to get off my butt and turn the AC back on. I like to air out the house when I get up.

Artie is sleeping on top of his quilt. No cuddling in bed last night. He did cuddle with me on the recliner.

Have to get moving in a few minutes..


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
I'm goad Artie is doing better.
To answer the question about the chocolate, I called the vet hospital and asked the first time he ate any because I know it's so poisonous to dogs. They said it's not nearly as dangerous to cats as it is dogs and to keep it to small doses. They said it could cause anxiety and neurological problems in high doses. All I ever give him is literally a crumb or two off a brownie or chocolate bar maybe once or twice a week. The pieces are maybe the size of a piece of kibble. So four or five pieces of kibble a week of chocolate. And I put all the rest in the fridge so he can't break in and steal and open it which he'll do.

Since he's tested as allergic to so many things I haven't even given him any. He's furious with me!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Ok, all of you Artie's Army :wave3::salute:members :hellocomputer: , also known as "AA"!!

Artie had a good day yesterday. He ate a lot...more than 1/2 cup of food. He also pooped a lot, two episodes yesterday; for a total of 11 inches!!! It was thick, one inch in diameter.. and like gel, but he got it out of him.

He ate 1/4 cup during the night. I got up late, he came into the bathroom to greet me!

He is so funny; usually goes to the box as I am getting ready for bed. I give him his last dose of cisapride then. Artie runs into his bathroom, and into his litter box. I tell him to: "dig, dig, dig".. he turns around and mutters a low "mrumph" to me.. and then proceeds to poop!! almost as if to say, "all right, already"....

Today is another hot, humid day. I am about to get off my butt and turn the AC back on. I like to air out the house when I get up.

Artie is sleeping on top of his quilt. No cuddling in bed last night. He did cuddle with me on the recliner.

Have to get moving in a few minutes..
Good on you, Artie man!
My Elvis loves to use the box when I'm getting ready for bed, too. One of my last tasks every night is to scoop all of the boxes (there are 7!!!) Elvis is also a kicker of litter, so my little litter-catchers don't do a lot of good where he's concerned, because he's a distance thrower. It's like he's going for some kind of record! I have little brushes and dustpans everywhere there are litterboxes, for this purpose. My girls don't generally do this. They usually finish up in the box earlier. I think Elvis does this partly as an attention-getting scheme. Do you think Artie is doing it for the same reason? :soldier::cutecat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
inkysmom inkysmom , if the vet says a little bit is okay, then a little bit should be okay. Thank you for checking.

I'm so glad to hear that Artie is eating and pooping. He's beat the odds before, maybe he's doing it again. :crossfingers:

artiemom artiemom , so how did your doctor's appointment go? Was it as traumatic as you expected?

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 , well, you do have to admit that it gets Artie lots of attention, of the best kind. :lol: I noticed a large enclosed litter box with a top hole for sale on Chewys the other day. It looked like a good deal for a distance kicker.



Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
Yes I never give any of my animals anything to eat that I don't either look up online first or call the vet directly about.
The vet hospital I use the most and called to ask is one of the main specialty hospitals in the state and one of the few that has a trauma center. They and Angell are the 2 24/7 places that most of the local vets refer the difficult and critical cases to so I trust their advice. Darling cat is a sneaky thief and will go through my bags and open and eat any traces of any chocolate he finds their. When my dad came to visit for Christmas one year he'd brought some hersheys kisses in his bag. Darned cat stole them, opened the bag spread them all over the apartment and chewed on and eaten part of a whole bunch of them one night. That's when I called thinking I'd have to rush him in. They said he'd be fine just jittery and hyper and to only let him have a small piece at a time. If I eat any in the house he hears me and comes running and literally is in my face trying to steal it until I give him a tiny crumb.
But as I've said I've stopped since his allergy tests came back. He's more of a picky eater now too. I read all the online stuff too that says it's bad. Some of it says it's not as bad for cats. Definitely toxic to dogs. But he's had little bites for years now and been fine and whenever he's had bloodwork it's been fine. So I trust the vet hospital over online info .

Sorry to digress from Artie, I just don't want anyone to think I'm deliberately harming my cat or haven't done my research as to what's safe for him. I'm not telling anyone else to give it to their cats either! Just because he has been fine doesn't mean other cats with different medical issues would be. I woukd never have let my diabetic cat Inky have any. And even now that this cat has allergies where he didn't before I don't give it to him because maybe he's allergic to it now. But I have to carefully hide all chocolate in the house in the fridge or cupboards or he will find it, steal it and open and eat it. He takes a nightly inventory of the whole place.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Oh fast things can change.. Artie is not having a good day.. I guess yesterday, spoiled me.. It seems he has one great day, and the next one is bad...sigh

Since I woke up this morning, Artie has only had 1/16 cup of food; and that was during our "game"... no poop, and only using the box once, to pee.. sigh..

Artie is curled up on his quilt..fingers crossed....He does not look all that great..sigh
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