Angle scratch curvy dark oak
Angle scratch curvy dark oak
Either way anyone who stops by will know you have a cat. But I do see the dilemma! Good luck in the drawing!ENTRY
Ange Scratch Curvy - Although Carleton is a sweet when it comes to letting us clip his nails he turns into a grizzly bear. It would be so nice to have this type of scratching post to use instead of the furniture.
ENTRYEither way anyone who stops by will know you have a cat. But I do see the dilemma! Good luck in the drawing!
BOTH your cats are gorgeous!!Scratches and petting done! Makena appreciated it greatly: the temps have been below 10F here for several days and that is way too cold for daily walks and hikes (thin Bengal fur.) Luckily he has June Bug to help keep him occupied now....
June Bug's story here