Anyone Ever Have A Crazy Cat Parent Moment?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 4, 2017
So, I just had a crazy kitty mom moment. :biggrin: Salem loves to snuggle in bed with me and watch movies on my laptop. I mean she actually watches the movies. She loves computer animated, brightly colored movies and her favorite seems to be Finding Nemo 🐟. Anyways, I was watching a Marvel movie and Salem came up and squeezed in between me and the laptop. All was good until a particularly violent scene came up and I had a weird thought, wondering if this movie was appropriate for such a young cat. 🙀 I hate to admit it, but it was not just a random passing thought either. I actually started watching Salem's ear movements to see if she was upset be the scene. :doh: Have I lost my mind? Has anyone else had a crazy cat parent moment like that?

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Everyday I am being a crazy cat mom, especially to my Bourbon. She is not actually a picky eater but easily gets distracted and abandons her food bowl in the middle of mealtime when she sees or hears something interesting for her. What I do is follow her around the house with her bowl on hand, and places the bowl in front of her wherever she goes, until she finishes off all her meal.

I know, I am crazy. No judgement please. :biggrin:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Is there really any other type of moment you can have??? :lol:

This one can seem kinda creepy, but hear me out....
When we adopted Lily she was depressed, withdrawn and had zero confidence. But what we did know about her was that she is very nurturing and was a really good mom (she is now spayed). We really think she missed her kittens (among other things). One thing that I noticed was that she would always want belly rubs but even more than that, I think she missed nursing and that closeness. I started to mimic kneading around her nipples and she would immediately relax and start purring. I didn't play with her nipples, that's just a little too far, even for me...but small kneading massages, mimicking a kitten, I think really helped her out.


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Top Cat
Apr 14, 2018
Everyday I am being a crazy cat mom, especially to my Bourbon. She is not actually a picky eater but easily gets distracted and abandons her food bowl in the middle of mealtime when she sees or hears something interesting for her. What I do is follow her around the house with her bowl on hand, and places the bowl in front of her wherever she goes, until she finishes off all her meal.

I know, I am crazy. No judgement please. :biggrin:
I have done the same thing with sick kitties - feeding them from a spoon to make sure they get a proper meal.


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
I actually wonder if Olive hates our basement because we watch a lot of action movies or movies with scary sounds. Gohan grew up with a lot of tv but Olive was outside for most of her life until we took her in 2 years ago.

When we did take her in, we were worried about her adjustment as an indoor kitty and the first week my bf and I took turns sleeping in her saferoom to make sure she was doing ok. Crazy to some I’m sure.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Rocket loves watching the bright and loud scenes in movies. She was completely captivated by the big fight scene in the newest Ghostbusters movie; not scared in the least.

I have many many many cat parent moments. I dont have kids and probably talk more about my cats then many people do about their kids. My guys have their own Instagram (@rockettrouble) so people IRL who want to avoid over catification can
..... to a degree. I recently bought a cardboard RV thing just to take some holiday photos with. I also have to be home by dark every evening for both the cats and rabbit to get dinner. There is no denying that many aspects of my life and planning revolve around the cats. I am trying to figure out if I can leave for a week next year but I'd have to factor in either a pet sitter or boarding costs which could be more then my plane ticket with how things look right now.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Everyday I am being a crazy cat mom, especially to my Bourbon. She is not actually a picky eater but easily gets distracted and abandons her food bowl in the middle of mealtime when she sees or hears something interesting for her. What I do is follow her around the house with her bowl on hand, and places the bowl in front of her wherever she goes, until she finishes off all her meal.

I know, I am crazy. No judgement please. :biggrin:
I do that with Cricket, but in her case she will actually lead me around the house until she finds the spot where she wants to eat. I'll be like, come on Cricket! I have to go to work!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Everyday I am being a crazy cat mom, especially to my Bourbon. She is not actually a picky eater but easily gets distracted and abandons her food bowl in the middle of mealtime when she sees or hears something interesting for her. What I do is follow her around the house with her bowl on hand, and places the bowl in front of her wherever she goes, until she finishes off all her meal.

I know, I am crazy. No judgement please. :biggrin:
My Callie is like that, I just put her in the bathroom with her food and close the door so she has it nice and quiet.

Jemima Lucca

Forever a feline fan💕
Super Cat
Oct 23, 2019
Bend Oregon
Let me list some of the things that make me a crazy cat person:
-I warm their food in little China bowls by putting the China bowl in another bowl with hot water I warm in the microwave. Don’t want to lose nutritional value by microwaving! The China bowls are because they are flatter than regular bowls and don’t bother their whiskers lol 😆
- I hold them on my shoulder so they can watch the tv up close because they like it
- I had my daughter come sit with them while I visited my husband in the hospital so they wouldn’t be scared being home alone at night (they’re still kittens 🐱)
- I come home at lunch time to fix canned food for them!
So no, you’re not the only one to worry about your cats! We just love them 💕🐱

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
I'm always being told by my hubby that the cat gets treated nicer than him. To prove his point I was in the kitchen and my son shouted mum he's 17 and got no reaction, Then he meowed I thought it was the cat and came into the living room asking what's wrong baby:doh: I don't think I'll ever live that one down.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Sometimes I have to let my friend know I'll be a few minutes late when meeting her because I either have to feed the cats or clear up after them - but we're both crazy cat ladies, so she understands!
Another time I was talking to the cats and my mother thought I was talking to her, so I had to say "sorry, I was talking to the boys" :biggrin:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 10, 2017
Nothing too crazy, but i worry if shes happy... like is she bored? We just live in a one bedroom apt, i cant let her out cos we're in the city (tho im not sure i would even if we were in the country).. idk, i just wonder if im being a good cat mom. I think maybe shed like a friend but im not in a position to get another cat right now.

I just wish i lived in a big house with like 3 bedrooms and a basement, an up and downstairs for her to run around in, maybe a screened in patio for her to lounge in, and a kitty friend and a doggo friend too.

I tR y to remind myself when i found her she was living in a vacant lot eating when she could scrounge something, sick and skinny, and shes probably perfectly happy to be in a nice warm apt with good food and fresh water and vet care and a big bed to sleep in and a human who adores her... but i just wonder if i could be doing more and if im really a good cat mom.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Yesterday when I cleaned the litter box there was no poop in it. I spent the next hour staring at the box and sighed in relief when Neko-chan pooped.
This is funny. Me too. I have 3 cats currently with me in Doha and when I arrive home from work to clean the litter boxes and no poop, I panic.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Nothing too crazy, but i worry if shes happy... like is she bored? We just live in a one bedroom apt, i cant let her out cos we're in the city (tho im not sure i would even if we were in the country).. idk, i just wonder if im being a good cat mom. I think maybe shed like a friend but im not in a position to get another cat right now.

I just wish i lived in a big house with like 3 bedrooms and a basement, an up and downstairs for her to run around in, maybe a screened in patio for her to lounge in, and a kitty friend and a doggo friend too.

I tR y to remind myself when i found her she was living in a vacant lot eating when she could scrounge something, sick and skinny, and shes probably perfectly happy to be in a nice warm apt with good food and fresh water and vet care and a big bed to sleep in and a human who adores her... but i just wonder if i could be doing more and if im really a good cat mom.
There's always more we can do for them, but she does seem happy. If she doesn't constantly sit by the door meowing or scratching to get out or trying to run through when you open it, and doesn't spend all day staring out a window, then yes she's happy where she is.

But if you're worried you can always spend more time playing with her, and if you really want to see how she would do with another Cat one thing you can do is go to local shelters and offer to be a foster. They should send you home with supplies for any animal you foster and pay for any vet visits as long as you let them know what is going on.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 10, 2017
There's always more we can do for them, but she does seem happy. If she doesn't constantly sit by the door meowing or scratching to get out or trying to run through when you open it, and doesn't spend all day staring out a window, then yes she's happy where she is.

But if you're worried you can always spend more time playing with her, and if you really want to see how she would do with another Cat one thing you can do is go to local shelters and offer to be a foster. They should send you home with supplies for any animal you foster and pay for any vet visits as long as you let them know what is going on.

Thanks, no she doesnt try to run out, and she likes sitting in the window, but she does it an hour at most.

I try to get in a play session in the afternoon and one in early evening before dinner-she loves her wand toy so its easy :) as for adopting, im just not in the position to get another cat right now. Once i move and am in a bigger place and settled (im moving out of state in 6 months) then ill start thinking about a friend for her :) hopefully it works out-shes extremely laid back-only cat ive ever seen whos not afraid of the vaccuum-i can hold the nozzle out to her and she just sniffs it like "interesting, what is this loud thing?", so hopefully shell be as laid back with another cat.


"Say what, crackerhead?"
Alpha Cat
Jul 12, 2019
Cochise Stronghold, Arizona
Does talking to my cats make me a "crazy cat parent?" I talk to 'em all the time, hold regular convos, LOL... and when we're watching TV (Tiger loves watching animals and action on TV), I'll offer beer to the cats by holding out my beverage toward them so they can sniff the contents, and I'll inevitably laugh as they wrinkle their noses. I warm plates in the microwave during colder months, and serve meals with a flourish like some waiter in a restaurant... perhaps I missed my true calling, LOL. I play with my cats indoors and out, they love tearing around the fenced yard and chasing each other... and when they play "King of the Mountain" on the old tree stump which I left in place solely for that purpose, I shout encouragement to the contenders (or pretenders) to the throne. Does any of this make me crazy? Meh, who cares? As long as we're having fun on our own property, nothing else matters... Armageddon could come knocking on our door, but I'd say, "NAAAAH, NOT NOW, I'M PLAYING WITH MY CATS!!!" :runningcat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2003
I once had a full-on conversation with my cat in front of new neighbours, who were round for tea.

Loki : Miaow
Gareth: Don't give me that shit I fed you earlier.
Loki: Miaow
Gareth: FFS I did, I gave you that new stuff you miaowed at the TV about. It cost a fortune, and it supposed to be good for Burmese, go check it out.
Loki: Miaow
Gareth: I don't care if you don't want it, that's all you're getting. If you're not going to care about your heath, I will.
Loki: Miaow
Gareth: Dude, I'm serious you're beginning to annoy me now. At least go look at it.
Loki: Miaow
Gareth: Fine <stomps through to utility room, changes food, stomps back>
Loki: Miaow
Gareth: I've changed it to that old crap you like, see if I care.
Loki <Stomps off to utility room.
Gareth: <turns to neighbours, who are now glancing at each other nervously> Cats, huh
Mia: Miaow
Gareth: Don't you start that crap. I've just been through all this with your brother, so go ask him, don't make me me go through it again.

<door shuts quietly>

Gareth: Hello?

This is genuinely how I converse with my cats. you only realise it's a bit weird when non-cat-people are around. But I don't know many of them...