AMPHOTERICIN B (Cryptcoccssis)

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Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Hello everyone. I found this site a few days ago, this is my first time writing.
My cat, Miyu was diagnosed with cryptococcosis last week
and I started her on fluconazole and today is her 5th day. There have been twists and turns to get to this point,
but it is not a point for today...I'm trying to figure out what to do with Miyu's treatment going forward.

I am really surprised that Miyu's disease progressed so quickly, maybe within a week or two.
I think Miyu's condition is affecting her central nervous system, she is now blind and does not have much strength
to stand and walk. She has stopped eating food since yesterday. I went to the vet today for a consultation and came to the conclusion
that we should use fluconazole and see how she does for a while longer, but I am wondering
if I should do AMPOTERICIN B for Miyu's condition, but I wanted to ask for your opinions, so I started this thread.
The doctor today said that her vision will not return (I am not too concerned about her vision) and that her leg and hip
strength is a possibility, but if it has affected her central nervous system,
we can't be optimistic. (The doctor didn't clearly say that the central nervous system was affected.)
Leaving aside the cost, is this worth a try for the cat?
I know some of you have experience with cryptococcosis, but what are your thoughts and do you have any
experience with AMPOTERICIN B?

I am not American, so I am sorry if I am saying something wrong or rude.
I would be really encouraged and happy to hear any advice or experiences.

Thank you
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm so sorry about Miyu :alright:. I did a search on this site for you and did find this thread that has some encouraging stories, and discusses the use of Ampoteracin B as well. Be advised though, there are also some sad tales within that thread :frown:

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  • #3

Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Thank you for your reply. It was so nice to hear back—it really cheered me up as I was feeling quite exhausted.
I also appreciate the link you shared:). I had actually come across it before, and reading it inspired me to post here
for advice. I just reread it, and I agree—it was both encouraging and sad.
Thank you again for pointing it out. I was wondering how Merlin is doing today. I hope he’s doing well.

I forgot to mention earlier about Miyu—she’s a 12-year-old spayed domestic cat. She’s an
indoor-only cat and lives with two other cats. In the past, whenever I felt something was “off” with her,
I took her to the vet right away. Unfortunately, her condition wasn’t diagnosed as
cryptococcus until now, and I deeply regret the time that was lost.

I’ve been searching for a hospital that can provide Amphotericin B treatment,
but I’ve been surprised at how difficult it is to find one. I’ve already emailed our family vet (who was unavailable today),
but if anyone here knows of a good hospital in Southern California (or enough close) that offers this treatment,
I’d greatly appreciate any recommendations.

Thank you again for your support and kindness.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I’ve already emailed our family vet (who was unavailable today),
but if anyone here knows of a good hospital in Southern California (or enough close) that offers this treatment,
I’d greatly appreciate any recommendations.
Welcome to TCS! :welcomesign: One of our moderators fionasmom fionasmom is from the Southern CA area and very knowledgeable about veterinary medical treatment. Hopefully she will see this thread and be able to help. Best of luck! :crossfingers:
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Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Hello neely,

Thank you very much; it is very encouraging to know! fionasmom is from LA, so we are close. I hope fionasmom will find me.
I just sent an email to my pet insurance company to confirm if, should I decide, the cost would be covered and to ask for more information in this area. I'm not sure if it is allowed for the insurance company to mention their names.

I just gave Miyu fluconazole. It's day 5, but she still doesn't look well at all. She didn't eat again today, so I suspect the inside of her nose may be infected, and she probably can't smell food. I applied Mirataz, but it didn’t work. If she doesn’t eat tomorrow, I will try Mirataz again. If she still doesn’t eat, I will probably have to force-feed her. She won’t like it, but I have to do it.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
She didn't eat again today
It's important for a cat to eat within 24-48 hours so I thought this TCS Article would have some helpful advice and information about getting Miyu to eat: How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again - TheCatSite

One thing that always worked for our last cat and some of the other members on the site was an all meat baby food. However, be absolutely sure it has no gravy or seasoning. Here is an example of the type of Stage 1 baby food that is acceptable:
Beech-Nut Chicken & Chicken Broth Stage 1 Baby Food
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Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024

The Beach Nuts baby food looks very good! There is a Walmarts and Vons in my neighborhood so I will go buy some tomorrow.
Thank you very much for the information. Miyu has just used her litterbox with my support.
Then I gave her a tiny bit of wet food on her gums.
She didn't like it at all and didn't eat much, but still better than nothing.
Thank you very much. I have been very weak the last couple of days and I am really tired today.
Still, I have to be strong! :hyper:

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Hi. I am in southern CA. San Diego area. Any internal medicine or even feline only hospital should be able to help you. When I worked at the Animal Specialty group, we did it a few times on different cats with CNS Cryptococcus. It is effective, but expensive and does take several treatments, in my experience. It is also hard on the kidneys. But once the disease process has progressed to a certain point, you really need to do it. The cats I remember continued with the other oral antifungal medications as well.

If your cat isn’t eating, you may need a feeding tube. I would find a veterinary internal medicine veterinarian to help your cat. Ask your veterinarian for a referral. You don’t have much time though, so I would act quickly on this if you are going to do it.

Feel free to private message me your general area and I can see if I know any near you.
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  • #9

Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Hello silentmeowlork,

Thank you for your message. I believe I sent you a personal message. I hope you received it.
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  • #11

Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Hello everyone,

Miyu entered her eternal slumber last night. I took her to the ER of a hospital
with a specialist that I had finally found, and after speaking with the doctor,
I felt that I couldn’t make her go through anything more.

For our final farewell, Miyu was wrapped in a big towel, quietly nestled in my arms.
She looked just as she did when we first met 12 years ago. So adorable, like a little baby.
It made me think, "This must be what they call a bundle of joy."

Now that I’m home, looking at the bed without her, I can hardly bear the pain.
But the happiness and joy she brought me over the past 12 years have become treasures of my life.
I deeply regret that it took so long to diagnose cryptococcosis and to be honest, even have a few frustrations
with the hospital. Still, for now, I’m focusing on the fact that she is no longer in pain or suffering,
and I’m trying to accept that this was the right decision.

Especially after the diagnosis, I put her through so many difficult things.
Giving her medicine every day, feeding her food she didn’t want to eat, and taking her to the hospital
she hated so many times in the carrier she couldn’t stand. I even spilled food on her, staining her beautiful fur.
Despite all of this, she was incredibly patient and fought so bravely.

To be honest, what I did wasn’t for her. It was for me. I just wanted her to stay by
my side for as long as possible, even for one more minute, one more second.
But deep down, I knew that wasn’t the time she needed.

I still can’t believe I’ll never see that sweet little one again. It’s heartbreaking to think I’ll no longer
call out her name, which I’ve done countless times every day, or that I’ll have to put away
her fur-covered, familiar-smelling belongings. It’s unbearably lonely and painful.

But to mrsgreenjeens, neely, silent meowlook, fionasmom, thank you so much for your messages.
They truly comforted me. And to everyone who took the time to read this thread,
I’d like to express my gratitude as well.
To those currently struggling with their cat’s illness, I sincerely hope that your beloved cats
find their way toward a better path.


Yumi and Miyu


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
My sincere and heartfelt sympathies go out to you on the passing of Miyu. :hugs: She knew how much you loved her and is grateful for the 12 years you had together. You did the kindest act of all by easing her pain. May her memories remain in your heart forever. RIP sweet angel. :angel:
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  • #15

Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Thank you for your message and advice. I called Walmart, Albertsons, and Vons yesterday
but none of them had it in stock (Albertsons did have beef and beef broth).
So, I ordered a box on Amazon. I don’t think I’ll be able to return it,
so I’ll use it as a treat for the other cats. Thank you :heartshape:


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am so sorry for your loss of Miyu. Cryptococcus is very hard to fight and my Pangur Ban lost his battle despite, as you did for Miyu, immediate intervention as soon as I knew that something was wrong. It is clear from your lovely post about her that you gave her the most wonderful care throughout her life. When she became sick, you tried to save her. Cats aren't always thrilled about going to the vet and being treated, but you did the right thing to do what you could. She knew that you loved her.
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  • #18

Yumi with Miyu

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Hello fionasmom,

Thank you very much for your message.
This morning, I cleaned up Miyu's place as usual so that she can rest comfortably
when she returns sometime this week. I hesitated to wash her blankets,
as they carry her fur and familiar smells, but I decided to clean them because she always liked having fresh blankets.

I believe I'm ready to lock the thread. But I have one request. I’m afraid that I misspelled cryptococcosis in
the subject line of my thread. If so, could you please correct the spelling for me if it’s possible?
When I created the thread, I was really flustered, and since I just recently learned this name, I always get it mixed up😞.

Thank you. I truly appreciate you and the staff members for all your help.
I will check the site more often from now on, not only to fight against
the illness but also to gain knowledge and enjoy myself.

Best regards,

Yumi and Miyu
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