Always room for one more


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I am not there yet, and may never be - but it is such a nice sentiment and a tribute to those who find they always have room for one more.

Room For One More
There’s room for one more,
always one more
in my humble abode.
When one pet goes
there’s room for one more,
a place where love is sowed.
There’s room for one more,
always one more
in my family.
It is a place
where love abounds
and love grows constantly.
There’s room for one more,
always one more
in my heart always.
Within that place
there is a space
for shared love all its days.
There’s room for one more,
ALWAYS one more.
Of that I am so sure.
There’s room for one more
with MUCH love in store.
Yes… there’s always room for one more.
John Whitman © July 2020


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Nov 25, 2013
I didn't think I could adopt again after the pain of losing Ruby, but my love of cats turned out to be stronger than my fear of another loss, so I adopted Pretty, and before I knew it my heart expanded and I realized I loved her. :catlove::hearthrob:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2014
I am not there yet, and may never be
*I am not there yet, and may never be* I get it TOTALLY. I can’t believe it’s been almost 1 year and 8 months since I sent my last one to the rainbow bridge.

FeebysOwner FeebysOwner , forgive me for asking, but when did you lose your baby? I’m not on the forum very often. I’ve interacted with you in the past and I believe your kitty had hyperthyroidism like mine did?

What brought me to the forum and to this post in particular is because I’m having a hard time “getting to that point” of being able to adopt again. I had a “fail” last December when I went to the local rescue to see a kitty. I just couldn’t do it, I wasn’t ready.

Well, same thing again yesterday. I actually did a “meet and greet” with a 13-year old boy that is just chomping at the bit to find a home. I started planning everything in order to go pick him up today when I realized that again, I’m not ready. All I could do is sob. I’m so broken hearted!! 💔 I’ve had many cats over the past 35 years and it’s like I just can’t move forward. 😿
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TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
forgive me for asking, but when did you lose your baby? I’m not on the forum very often. I’ve interacted with you in the past and I believe your kitty had hyperthyroidism like mine did?
Hi. Feeby died on 7/20/2024, so it has been fairly recent. She was 19+ yo and we would have marked her 20+ yo 'birthday' in August. She started out with hyper-T and then acquired CKD, and later lymphoma. She also had high blood pressure and arthritis. It would appear that she was starting to have seizures, and the 4th one was her undoing. She couldn't recover from it and died in our arms on the way to the ER vet.

I wish I knew what to say to you. I can't even think of getting another cat, and as I said before, I am not sure I ever will. But, it sounds as if in your heart you want to give another cat a loving home. Maybe you should go back and get that old gent, and work through it. He deserves a home and probably better with you than many others.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
What brought me to the forum and to this post in particular is because I’m having a hard time “getting to that point” of being able to adopt again.
Everyone is different and that's okay, I'm in the same boat as you since we lost our cat 10 weeks ago. I've never been without a cat for more than 5-6 months but this time it hurts more than the others. Maybe it's because I'm older and the house feels empty or maybe it's because he was such a special cat. Either way I don't want to rush into anything. I know myself and will know if and when I'm ready. I'm guessing you may be the same. One suggestion might be to volunteer at a shelter if you enjoy the company of cats. You can choose how often or how little you're available. The only reason I mentioned this is because it's something I've considered.

I wish I knew what to say to you. I can't even think of getting another cat, and as I said before, I am not sure I ever will.
I feel the same way too and understand what you're going through. :hugs: I check some of the shelter sites on-line from time to time out of curiosity but that's as far as it's gone.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2014
It would appear that she was starting to have seizures, and the 4th one was her undoing. She couldn't recover from it and died in our arms on the way to the ER vet.
That’s so sad how Feeby went 😿…..I’m so sorry! My cat also had CKD and high blood pressure from the hyper-T and was on multiple medications.

Well, I guess I’ll take it one day at a time. He’s not gone anywhere. I checked the rescue’s site today and his little face is still looking back at me. 😿