Always room for more loves in my heart


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Draco Draco I am so glad you have new (and very floofy!) feline loves in your life, and that it is working out with Cassie.

You're right about being without a cat, it's horrible - after Jakey died on Monday I was of course grieving horribly and still am, but the empty house is just compounding it all, first time I've been without any animals since 1992, and I had sourced a kitten within a couple of hours (although we won't be picking him up until after Christmas). And yes I feel fine about that, I can grieve and give love and grow a bond with another cat at the same time. Some people need to wait, others don't. And I think Jakey would be happy that his vacancy in my home is being filled and I will give my love to another kitty, without ever forgetting him (or other deceased ones - Sonic or Radar, or Jasper my Senegal Parrot or Titus, Maximus, and Spartacus the budgies etc.)

I am very pleased for you.
My Sympathy - so sorry for your loss...... rip Jakey

An empty home has got to be the worst,I'm happy your new baby will be coming to make the house a home again & help heal your heart

No doubt seeing Draco Draco little furballs adds to your great expectation and give you a smile


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
epona epona I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:
It seems so many of us are going through this at the moment.
I think it's an excellent idea to fill the void.. I've never been one who needs to wait. I would right now, but with Nilah in advanced renal failure I'd rather her final time be just her and me as she's not fond of other cats, much as I'd love to have another one. She never really forgave me for adopting Sundar all those years ago when she was two.

One thing I had considered is to foster, just to see how Nilah would cope. That's still on the cards. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 2, 2018
Kind of what happened with me, was I sent Jakey's breeder a message to let her know he had died and send some photos of him in happier healthier times, and turns out she has a kitten from her last litter that wasn't adopted and wants a forever home - it's serendipity, I'm not spiritual or anything but sometimes stuff in the universe just falls into place in the random way it can do.
We're also going to ask the vet nurse at the clinic about other kittens or young cats in need of a home, they always know of some and it would be good to do that as well.
That is great, it will help your pain as you grieve 🤗
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  • #126


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I woke up (with three cats on the bed snuggling me- though Cassie was just a few feet away), feeling a little bit under the weather due to lady times.. but the recent posts made me emotional - in a good way.

We're coming together with something shared, even though it isn't of the happiest shared moments. This is what the community is about- being there for one another with support, love and understanding. Especially right before the holidays when we need that support the most, where it seems most of us are unfortunately in the same boat. We can help make sad shared moments easier.

I am glad my thread helps, I want my experiences to help another through their own thought processes as to whether to adopt another friend or not. I want to show people that the introduction can (or maybe not) be easy as mine too. It is easy to overthink things, and I did with Cassie. I was prepared to return the boys if it did not go well.

I am always grateful for the support I've gotten in the past month with the loss of Monet and the new boys. There has been no judgement for adopting only a week after his passing, or adopting when I have a super senior cat already, you all understand and so do I. None of us want an empty house, and sometimes it cannot be helped when we are uncertain how a resident cat will take to new members or if they simply do not have the energy anymore.

We can try, sure, nothing wrong with trying. Match a cat that would leave the resident cat alone or fit their personality. In my case I chose two bonded pairs that I was certain they'd play with each other and leave Cassie alone. Adopting just one would probably harass the crap out of her and I knew with her history with Monet she'd would not want to play with them. It is also something to consider if you can adopt two when you already have a resident cat. I believe any good shelter would take a cat back and try with another personality with no questions asked- they would never want an unhappy home for anyone, cat or human.

Either way, adopting another cat or waiting because of whatever reasons you may have, the choices are yours and we're here to help you all along in whatever way you may need.

Adopting because you don't want an empty home (now or in the future) is not selfish at all.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I woke up (with three cats on the bed snuggling me- though Cassie was just a few feet away), feeling a little bit under the weather due to lady times.. but the recent posts made me emotional - in a good way.

We're coming together with something shared, even though it isn't of the happiest shared moments. This is what the community is about- being there for one another with support, love and understanding. Especially right before the holidays when we need that support the most, where it seems most of us are unfortunately in the same boat. We can help make sad shared moments easier.

I am glad my thread helps, I want my experiences to help another through their own thought processes as to whether to adopt another friend or not. I want to show people that the introduction can (or maybe not) be easy as mine too. It is easy to overthink things, and I did with Cassie. I was prepared to return the boys if it did not go well.

I am always grateful for the support I've gotten in the past month with the loss of Monet and the new boys. There has been no judgement for adopting only a week after his passing, or adopting when I have a super senior cat already, you all understand and so do I. None of us want an empty house, and sometimes it cannot be helped when we are uncertain how a resident cat will take to new members or if they simply do not have the energy anymore.

We can try, sure, nothing wrong with trying. Match a cat that would leave the resident cat alone or fit their personality. In my case I chose two bonded pairs that I was certain they'd play with each other and leave Cassie alone. Adopting just one would probably harass the crap out of her and I knew with her history with Monet she'd would not want to play with them. It is also something to consider if you can adopt two when you already have a resident cat. I believe any good shelter would take a cat back and try with another personality with no questions asked- they would never want an unhappy home for anyone, cat or human.

Either way, adopting another cat or waiting because of whatever reasons you may have, the choices are yours and we're here to help you all along in whatever way you may need.

Adopting because you don't want an empty home (now or in the future) is not selfish at all.
Draco Draco when my Cheech was in very late stage CKD his days were numbered - selfishly I just couldn't not let go of my Beloved best friend of nearly 20yrs- I knew if this house was ever empty that my empty heart could not ever adopt - it happened years ago with my dog and thank God for my cats- never could even think of getting another dog.... I didn't want that to happen again but Cheech was so weak,so sick....I was selfish to see him suffer,selfish to not want to be alone,I cried everyday not knowing what to do.....My Cheech knew what to do, I think he ignored little Graycie for my sake,he didn't want me to be alone either ....

Our furbabies trust us with their lives,all of their life - surely we can trust them just as much.....If I had been here during that time there is no doubt in my mind I would have had a much easier time- it's 8yrs now and I've only begun healing since the love & support from our Cat Site family❤

Thank you & thanks to everyone that pours their hearts out here in hopes of helping others....
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #129


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Draco Draco when my Cheech was in very late stage CKD his days were numbered - selfishly I just couldn't not let go of my Beloved best friend of nearly 20yrs- I knew if this house was ever empty that my empty heart could not ever adopt - it happened years ago with my dog and thank God for my cats- never could even think of getting another dog.... I didn't want that to happen again but Cheech was so weak,so sick....I was selfish to see him suffer,selfish to not want to be alone,I cried everyday not knowing what to do.....My Cheech knew what to do, I think he ignored little Graycie for my sake,he didn't want me to be alone either ....

Our furbabies trust us with their lives,all of their life - surely we can trust them just as much.....If I had been here during that time there is no doubt in my mind I would have had a much easier time- it's 8yrs now and I've only begun healing since the love & support from our Cat Site family❤

Thank you & thanks to everyone that pours their hearts out here in hopes of helping others....

Sweet Cheech knew. Cats have that intuition that they know. I am sure Cassie knew I needed a little more, a distraction, after Monet's passing and she accepted them.

I understand, Monet was so weak and sick, he passed of kidney disease as well and he went fast, I understand how torn you must've felt at that time. I cried every day too, and I am still crying. I am grateful I had Cassie to help me during his illness and after his passing, she had been there for me every step of the way, and I am grateful little Graycie was there too for you. They just know.
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  • #130


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
After losing Sarah on the 6th, I've tossed the idea around about adopting another cat. Historically, that cat distribution thing has literally landed cats or kittens at my back door, so if one should show up, they won't be turned away. I do believe that sometimes a great way to honor your cats you've lost is to give a great life to another. I'm very happy for you both. :hugs:
It's funny. I was just saying the distribution system never works for me and I've never seen cats "in the wild", and this morning, I open my door to leave for work and I see a tabby cat dashing off my porch. Oi. I hope the committee choses another cat lover because I cannot take on 4 cats!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Sweet Cheech knew. Cats have that intuition that they know. I am sure Cassie knew I needed a little more, a distraction, after Monet's passing and she accepted them.

I understand, Monet was so weak and sick, he passed of kidney disease as well and he went fast, I understand how torn you must've felt at that time. I cried every day too, and I am still crying. I am grateful I had Cassie to help me during his illness and after his passing, she had been there for me every step of the way, and I am grateful little Graycie was there too for you. They just know.
It's such a horrible disease,I just hate it- I hate they should have one second of not being well.... do you get the feeling of dread the moment somethings not right after Monet? It's very hard to shake,I'm never at ease as they get older it me getting old myself or does it change everyone?

I cry too ,alot- missing my Cheech- I understand:hugs: Every moment is so precious with each and every one of them


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
It's funny. I was just saying the distribution system never works for me and I've never seen cats "in the wild", and this morning, I open my door to leave for work and I see a tabby cat dashing off my porch. Oi. I hope the committee choses another cat lover because I cannot take on 4 cats!
I know that " oi" feeling so well..... Thank God my friend makes room at her shelter or I don't know what I'd do- this year alone I think I've rescued 6.....
Timmy makes 5 in my house,that it-( 3 was the perfect number but thst distribution center,yep) no more and I'm too worn out to be trapping,transporting and the whole 9 yards

My Dad used to say he was going to get me " blinders " like a horse- rofl
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  • #133


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
It's such a horrible disease,I just hate it- I hate they should have one second of not being well.... do you get the feeling of dread the moment somethings not right after Monet? It's very hard to shake,I'm never at ease as they get older it me getting old myself or does it change everyone?

I cry too ,alot- missing my Cheech- I understand:hugs: Every moment is so precious with each and every one of them
I never felt dread after making the choice to let him go. I knew it was time, I knew he was ready and he wasn't going to come back from it. I did everything I could for him between dropping a ton of money on foods for him to try to eat, the SubQ, the medications and vet visits. There wasn't anything else I could do, and I knew in my heart it was alright to let him go, even if it upset me so much.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I woke up (with three cats on the bed snuggling me- though Cassie was just a few feet away)
Oh, that's so lovely. Maybe before too long, Cassie will be part of the snuggle group too. :catlove:

Either way, adopting another cat or waiting because of whatever reasons you may have, the choices are yours and we're here to help you all along in whatever way you may need.

Adopting because you don't want an empty home (now or in the future) is not selfish at all.
I waited just over 3 months after losing Ruby before adopting Pretty, and the misery I went through living in an empty, quiet house was truly torturous. In hindsight, I probably waited too long, but if I'd adopted too much sooner, I likely wouldn't have Pretty. So in the end, timing worked right for me.
You're right, though, for anyone looking to adopt again, everyone here at TCS is here to help in any way we can. :grouphug2:
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #135


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Oh, that's so lovely. Maybe before too long, Cassie will be part of the snuggle group too. :catlove:

I waited just over 3 months after losing Ruby before adopting Pretty, and the misery I went through living in an empty, quiet house was truly torturous. In hindsight, I probably waited too long, but if I'd adopted too much sooner, I likely wouldn't have Pretty. So in the end, timing worked right for me.
You're right, though, for anyone looking to adopt again, everyone here at TCS is here to help in any way we can. :grouphug2:
I get it. I know I'd be lonely and miserable without a pet in the house too. But in the end, you found Pretty! I was meant to be!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
I get it. I know I'd be lonely and miserable without a pet in the house too. But in the end, you found Pretty! I was meant to be!
This, getting another doesn't stop the grief, but it gives you something to love again and not feel lonely.
Part of it for me is my husband works nights and we only get to spend a little bit of time together when we're both at home and awake, so I can feel quite lonely. And tbh even if he was here all the time I'd still want a cat around (probably more so in some ways :D )
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  • #137


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
See we all get it! Must be hard when you don’t see your husband often. At least you got the furball!

I couldn’t get a good pic but Dali and Cassie was snuggling me this morning. Cassie didn’t look at him and she didn’t growl at him either. They were about 4 inches from touching.
Ignore my sleepy face lol

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  • #139


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Dali's eyes are always half-closed. I don't think his eyes are bothering him, it just seems natural for him to have squinty, lazy eyes (As you can see in all the photos) rather than more rounded eyes than most cats.

he’s still cute
