Always room for more loves in my heart


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Dali's under the bed again. Wonder why. He was out and loving this morning. Maybe the act of me walking into the house after work scares him? I should set up cameras to see what he does all day.

I put his dinner down by the bed, and he sticks his paw out and drags the dish under the bed to eat. lol
He is so very new to the house,he's chosen under the bed as his comfort zone,safe space.....a cubby with a view of the door but far from it would be a much better hidey spot..... part of the reason to block of those type of hiding places becayse they don't help to build confidence and a shy cat will benefit by less options and more ability to see what's happening

Had I given my Timmy( adult ex feral) options to avoid & go hide in the house he'd not be what he's become now- he is by no means socialized( only 100% with me)

His cubby faced the front door,the place where there is the most activity and I made like I didn't even see him in his cubby but he could see...... still wants no part of strangers and unless I socialize him he will likely remain that way but he feels safe in his cubby or goes to the patio when that front door opens and watches---- he would see it's me and comes running,being able to see what's going on now he watches who's coming in before he exits onto the patio

He is not so familiar with you yet to rely solely on sight--- the sound is likely startling,it means a stranger is coming.....cats don't even rely on their sight with each other,they rely on the scent and sounds and then body language to identify long before mere sight.....Dali needs time to get to know you and the sounds of the house( and you)

All my cats know it's me at the front door- my footsteps,my voice,my body movements before they even see me comd through the door -it takes time.Timmy now is usually waiting by the hall when it's me coming in,a year and a half later he knows me well .... it's good if they can " watch " to associate the sounds with sight --- sound alone is scarey,best just to hide is how they are wired
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  • #82


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Every time I think I got the bed blocked off, he finds a way in it anyway. I'm about to give up lol. My bed has slats on top, not a typical metal frame where a box spring sits then the mattress. He can find a way from the top, and no matter how good I think I did covering every hole, he finds a way.

Eventually he will learn and get used to the sounds of me coming through the door. it'll take time. I'm trying to think where I can put a little house or something where he can see the door as you've suggested. Monet and Cassie hears my car and they come running to the door to greet me (or at least Monet used to.. I miss him). I'm sure the new boys will do the same eventually!

Last night the two of them had a mad play session. They finally understood what the wand with feathers were about, they played until they were both panting. I had to put a stop to the game then, but I hope it shows them that good things come from me and I'm not so scary.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Every time I think I got the bed blocked off, he finds a way in it anyway. I'm about to give up lol. My bed has slats on top, not a typical metal frame where a box spring sits then the mattress. He can find a way from the top, and no matter how good I think I did covering every hole, he finds a way.

Eventually he will learn and get used to the sounds of me coming through the door. it'll take time. I'm trying to think where I can put a little house or something where he can see the door as you've suggested. Monet and Cassie hears my car and they come running to the door to greet me (or at least Monet used to.. I miss him). I'm sure the new boys will do the same eventually!

Last night the two of them had a mad play session. They finally understood what the wand with feathers were about, they played until they were both panting. I had to put a stop to the game then, but I hope it shows them that good things come from me and I'm not so scary.
Lol- I know how you feel,my Bella would've been a hider and she sure tried,she's a persistent little thing bit I ended up buying plywood and Cinder blocks and that was that-shes the bravest now when it comes to sounds,fireworks,heavy equiptment,a crash or clang and must see what's going on

It's really great that Dali has Rembrant to watch & learn from along the way,it's so wonderful you adopted them both,I hate seeing bonded pairs separated- that was my little Bella's problem,she was inseparable from her sister but no one gave her a second look with all her screaming whenever anyone pried them apart to pick up her sister...that's partly why I took her,the poor baby was a hot mess

Look at her now!
Dali will be just fine with you,his brother and sister


Servant to the Ofurlords
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Even with a bed to hide under, they can gain confidence. It just takes time. Daisy would hide whenever a visitor came, to start with, and will often still do so when someone comes in, but unless they're toting cleaning equipment, she'll come out in a few minutes to say hello, possibly following Phoebe's example (Feebs thinks humans only visit to give her pets.)
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  • #88


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I can’t think of happier cats

do cats give each other love bites? I know they give humans love bites. I noticed Rembrandt gently biting Dali. Some grooming too. Warms my heart seeing how much these two love each other.
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  • #89


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Dali's spending less and less time under the bed. There are times he'd get startled and run for the bed (like when I didn't realize he was in the litter box and I opened the door), or when I come home through the door he hides. But he doesn't stay under for too long anymore. I am happy to see he's out more. I wouldn't be surprised if he hides when company comes, and that's okay. He's spending more time playing with the toys and Rembrandt, and spending time with me. He wants to be in the same room as me now. He learned the sight and the word of the brush, when he sees it he runs on the couch to be brushed. I brush them every day. It's actually soothing to brush them.

It's only been a few weeks and it amazes me how much he's come out of his shell and become a more confident cat. He still relies on Rembrandt, and I think he always will and that's okay. The brothers love each other and are more than happy to share me together.

Last night the four of us shared the bed for the first time, and it was nice! Cassie claimed the pillow while Rembrandt took my chest (I cried because it was Monet's spot- I miss him so much) and Dali took the foot of the bed. Cassie doesn't growl at them anymore, but the occasional hiss if they get too close. They can eat within several feet of each other peacefully. I am grateful for an easy introduction!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
This sounds like a match made in heaven for all four of you. I am so glad you got them to help you heal from your loss of Monet. You all needed one another!
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  • #91


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I finally picked out pet insurance for the boys. I went with Lemonade. I also got dental illness for Dali just in case. (If you’ve seen my other thread regarding his missing teeth).

Cassie is too old, she’s been denied. Aw. Other places is just too expensive, so I will make sure I keep setting money aside for her.

I will have to wait 2 weeks before I take them in to make sure coverage is in effect just in case.
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  • #93


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I need some advice.

I noticed Rembrandt would get possessive over me when he's snuggling with me. Dali comes and I make sure I pet both of them at the same time, but after a while Rembrandt would smack Dali and chase him away.

How can I make sure Rembrandt doesn't get too possessive? I want him to share me. Any advice?
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  • #96


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I guess since Monet gave me such a hard time about claw trimming, (Cassie isn't so great either) and Dali has anxiety about being picked up, I thought trimming their claws would be a nightmare and I'd have to take them to the groomers again.

Nope. Shockingly easy! I wrapped them comfortably in a towel, and they sat in my lap quietly and did not once pull their paws back! (okay, took me two tries each and they figured out quickly they can't wiggle out of the towel). The hardest part is their claws are dark and they have a lot of dark fur so it was hard to see where I was trimming. Rembrandt kept putting his chin on his paw which makes it harder to trim! They got lots of treats after (Cassie too, she hears the clippers and instantly runs for treats, even if I am doing my own nails!)

And Dali didn't run and hide after! Yay! That was a fear of mine too that I'd scare him too much and set him back.

I am just relieved I can do their claws without worries or fights.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I need some advice.

I noticed Rembrandt would get possessive over me when he's snuggling with me. Dali comes and I make sure I pet both of them at the same time, but after a while Rembrandt would smack Dali and chase him away.

How can I make sure Rembrandt doesn't get too possessive? I want him to share me. Any advice?
Say " no" ....and then per Dali and him at the same time making a really big deal out of how " good" they both are

My Timmy gets very territorial over me when he's next to me getting petted- his body language tells me he's " going to " smack whoever wants to come up - before he does it I say " no" and show him what a GOOD "" so & so:" is while I'm petting and encouraging the " trespassor"

First they'll fixate- thst when you distract by saying no and showing them how pleased you are the other one is there and your petting both

I had my friend laughing so hard the other day- Timmy is not socialized so he runs out to the patio when anyone comes in- she knelt on the floor for something & Timmy was watching so I began petting her head & in my very pleased excited voice I Saud " look Timmy- GOOD girl,goooood girl " ....🤣🤣😂😂