Advice for a large litter - 9 kittens!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Your plan sounds wonderful! 16 weeks is perfect.

Will they be spayed and neutered before they go?

Which two are you keeping?
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  • #63


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
I would really like to spay and neuter them all. 10 (9 + mom) is a lot though so I am going to talk to the vet and see what the cost for that will be. Hopefully I can start doing them in batches as they reach a safe weight for surgery. 7 of the 9 are boys so that should be slightly cheaper than the girls. I have an awesome vet so I am sure he will help me out there. So far we are leaning towards keeping #3 (Ares) and #6 (Zeus)... the biggest and the smallest, both boys :) I also really have a connection to Artemis (#1). She is one of the two girls and looks a lot like mom. It is the worst having to decide but I want to see how their personalities develop before making the final choice. I have a teenage son and daughter and a hubby who all have their favorites as well, it is definitely going to be so hard to pick!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 7, 2016
Wow! I know a little about big fosters Naomi and her daughter Wynonna had 13 kittens! One didnt make it, and then they co-mothered the remaining 12. Naomi, who had 9, ended up getting sick with exhaustion but after a lot of care rallied and took excellent care of her babies.Most of our kittens were adopted in pairs, all but 2, actually, and both Moms got excellent homes...Naomi was adopted by me!

So, what I did was, in our carpeted cattery.. i had a piece of lino donated and I used it as a feeding/litter area. We had 7 litter boxes. I also used a small kitty pool to keep them somewhat contained. You're doing GREAT and your Mama is gorgeous! Sweet little kittens, too! Can't wait to see more.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You can start spaying and neutering when the kittens reach 2 pounds each. Your vet will hopefully give you a discount rate since you have 10 cats needing services.

Choosing is going to be tough indeed for your family!

I will say that when they are family they get along well and play together well.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I'm incredibly impressed by the care and attention you've given to your kitty family!

Just wanted to add that you can always charge a small adoption fee to offset all the medical costs. Any potential owner should be happy to pay a small adoption fee for well-vetted kittens.
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  • #67


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Wow! I know a little about big fosters Naomi and her daughter Wynonna had 13 kittens! One didnt make it, and then they co-mothered the remaining 12. Naomi, who had 9, ended up getting sick with exhaustion but after a lot of care rallied and took excellent care of her babies.Most of our kittens were adopted in pairs, all but 2, actually, and both Moms got excellent homes...Naomi was adopted by me!

So, what I did was, in our carpeted cattery.. i had a piece of lino donated and I used it as a feeding/litter area. We had 7 litter boxes. I also used a small kitty pool to keep them somewhat contained. You're doing GREAT and your Mama is gorgeous! Sweet little kittens, too! Can't wait to see more.
I read your entire thread a few weeks ago! Like up to the wee hours of the morning because I just could not stop. Such a beautiful story and lovely kitties! :) I am still trying to come up with a containment plan. I am thinking I will need it here within the next couple of weeks. I (unfortunately) do not have a cattery but I am toying with the idea of buying one of those baby gate type pens with the panels that go in a circle and then something underneath (I might be able to get a scrap of linoleum for that. Right now they are in a huge rubbermaid container so I was wondering about putting the lid on it and then cutting a hole in the side and using zip ties to connect it to the "gate" part of the enclosure. That way they will have a warm, cozy and familiar place to sleep and can get into the "outside" easily. Probably will need some kind of cover once they start climbing though. I really am up for suggestions though since this is all very new for me. This is such a big bunch that the normal things do not seem like they will work for me. I love the baby pool idea too!
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  • #68


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
I'm incredibly impressed by the care and attention you've given to your kitty family!

Just wanted to add that you can always charge a small adoption fee to offset all the medical costs. Any potential owner should be happy to pay a small adoption fee for well-vetted kittens.
Yes, I have thought of that as well and do think it is a good idea. I also feel like that will help me find the best homes for them. I just want them to go to loving and responsible homes. These are my babies and I want the absolute best for them :)
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  • #69


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
I realized that I neglected to post weights yesterday. I work in education and have been home for the summer but had an all day training yesterday and was exhausted :) I am posting yesterdays weights and todays weights. A couple of the babes freaked me out with smaller than usual gains but then blew it out of the park today. I did supplement them all twice today since I was home and wanted to give them a boost. I am going to do twice a day for the rest of the weekend and then see where they are. I go back to work on Monday so I want to spend as much time with them as I can before then. #2 gained 24g yesterday and only 4g today but I am starting to see that it is all part of their growth spurts and sometimes they just have an off day :)

8/11/16 weights
#2 - birth (67.5 g) yesterday (202 g) today (226 g) +24g
#3 - birth (58.6 g) yesterday (183 g) today (193 g) +10g
#5 - birth (77.7 g) yesterday (213 g) today (224 g) +11g
#8 - birth (82.5 g) yesterday (237 g) today (249 g) +12g
#1 - birth (76.9 g) yesterday (229 g) today (232 g) +3g
#4 - birth (93.6 g) yesterday (249 g) today (256 g) +7g
#6 - birth (111.7 g) yesterday (253 g) today (261 g) +8g
#7 - birth (85.6 g) yesterday (222 g) today (224 g) +2g
#9 - birth (94.0 g) yesterday (236 g) today (253 g) +17g

8/12/16 weights
#2 - birth (67.5 g) yesterday (226 g) today (230 g) +4g
#3 - birth (58.6 g) yesterday (193 g) today (208 g) +15g
#5 - birth (77.7 g) yesterday (224 g) today (233 g) +9g
#8 - birth (82.5 g) yesterday (249 g) today (269 g) +20g
#1 - birth (76.9 g) yesterday (232 g) today (249 g) +17g
#4 - birth (93.6 g) yesterday (256 g) today (268 g) +12g
#6 - birth (111.7 g) yesterday (261 g) today (276 g) +15g
#7 - birth (85.6 g) yesterday (224 g) today (243 g) +19g
#9 - birth (94.0 g) yesterday (253 g) today (269 g) +16g

My runt #3 finally passed 200 grams today! I was so excited! :D
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2016
Chicago, IL
I currently have a stray mom and 5 kittens in my apartment, and I used one of the pet pen things (collapsible and made of fabric and mesh) until they were 4 weeks old, letting them out to explore of course. Now I keep the pen available for sleeping with lots of cozy blankets, and have my living room sectioned off with a pet gate to make sure they don't get into trouble. Of course, with 9 you'll probably need something bigger. Good luck! They'll be running around before you know it.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Weight gains are good. I agree that supplementing twice a day this weekend is a good idea.
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  • #72


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Weights for today :) Everyone still healthy and happy! They are noticing the world more and are trying to play with each other and our fingers etc. They are walking! Shaky but everyone is really moving around a lot more. Mom still well and eating plenty. Even though she has both wet and dry food out all the time, I heard a crunching noise in the kitchen this morning and mama was on my counter eating dog biscuits out of the cookie jar. I figured it was ok so I left her alone. She used to do that before she was pregnant too... wierd kitty :) Still twice a day supplementing. I am going to try to keep doing that for the next week or so even though I have to go back to work Monday, I will just fit it in. They eat pretty quickly now so it does not take too long to feed them all and they are getting so big that I want to make sure nobody falls behind. I also know these sweet moments will not go on forever and love our feeding time because they are so sweet and snuggly!

One thing I was wondering about relates to stimulating them to potty. I always make them pee after feeding them but have honestly never seen any poop. I assume this is normal and mom is taking care of that for them? She keeps them super clean so I am sure everything is fine?

8/13/16 weights
#2 - birth (67.5 g) yesterday (230 g) today (240 g) +10g
#3 - birth (58.6 g) yesterday (208 g) today (222 g) +14g
#5 - birth (77.7 g) yesterday (233 g) today (243 g) +10g
#8 - birth (82.5 g) yesterday (269 g) today (283 g) +14g
#1 - birth (76.9 g) yesterday (249 g) today (259 g) +10g
#4 - birth (93.6 g) yesterday (268 g) today (281 g) +13g
#6 - birth (111.7 g) yesterday (276 g) today (302 g) +26g
#7 - birth (85.6 g) yesterday (243 g) today (251 g) +8g
#9 - birth (94.0 g) yesterday (269 g) today (285 g) +16g
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
laceyloowho laceyloowho

I'm glad you will find a way to fit in the supplementing. Some of them clearly depend on it to get their gains in. There is surely a limit to mom's milk supply!

They are doing so well though, and look so healthy!

That's too cute about mama crunching dog biscuits on your counter!

And yes, Mom is taking care of their poop needs for now still. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
One thing I was wondering about relates to stimulating them to potty. I always make them pee after feeding them but have honestly never seen any poop. I assume this is normal and mom is taking care of that for them? She keeps them super clean so I am sure everything is fine?]
This is one thing I worried so much about when I fostered, but everything happened organically. I never stimulated them or anything. Before they used a litter box I noticed they would occasionally pee on me in their excitement. I bought shallow foil pans & filled them with litter, but total waste of money. What happened was they found mommy's litter box by themselves & away they went. It was a HUGE game to them & I could tell they felt very grown up & mature. I remember the 1st little bit of poop I found - I was so relieved. After that you would be amazed each morning how much poop 3 little kittens can make overnight. Stinky!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
It's best if you can rehome them in pairs, but not before 10-12 weeks. And keep one for mom! [emoji]128522[/emoji]
When I fostered 3 kittens last fall I kept the male & I begged the shelter to keep his sisters together, which they did. His all-black sister was insane! but she was tempered by her very sweet tabby sister.
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  • #76


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Hi everyone! :)
I am sorry I have not been doing daily updates but I am back at work and juggling so many things right now. I am still supplementing everyone twice a day and weighing them daily and they are so perfect and wonderful :D

We are 3 weeks old today! Yay!
Everyone is really moving around, playing with each other and some toys and just generally being adorable! I am going to move them out of their nest this weekend and provide something bigger, they are going to need more space! I am looking at one of those zippered tent things on Amazon. Will that be a good choice moving forward?

Mama is still nursing frequently but also spends good amounts of time on her own. She has just been wonderful and a perfect mother! I am providing between 12-20 ml each of kmr a day and she is doing the rest. #8 is now slightly bigger than #6 and everyone but #3 is over 300 grams :) #3 is still a bit small at 9.5oz but is super bright, energetic and healthy!

A friend gave me a bunch of chicken and rice baby food that her granddaughter will not eat. Will that be ok when we start solids or should I avoid the rice? I took it even though I was not sure about it but can donate it to a food pantry if it will not work for them.

Here are todays weights and their gains which all look very good to me but I always welcome the reassurance :)

8/17/16 weights
#2 - birth (67.5 g) yesterday (276 g) today (313 g) +37g
#3 - birth (58.6 g) yesterday (245 g) today (268 g) +23g
#5 - birth (77.7 g) yesterday (286 g) today (310 g) +24g
#8 - birth (82.5 g) yesterday (339 g) today (357 g) +18g
#1 - birth (76.9 g) yesterday (304 g) today (321 g) +17g
#4 - birth (93.6 g) yesterday (325 g) today (347 g) +22g
#6 - birth (111.7 g) yesterday (327 g) today (351 g) +24g
#7 - birth (85.6 g) yesterday (297 g) today (321 g) +24g
#9 - birth (94.0 g) yesterday (324 g) today (342 g) +18g

Here are some pics from today :) Ignore their stained sheet... I just changed it and it is clean but mom gave birth on them and they are never going to be the same, lol! I also have seen some tiny poops in the nest so they are starting to go on their own! Go babies!

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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Wow! They are doing great! The gains are very impressive.

The target weight for 4 weeks old is one pound. I doubt they will all reach that since there are 9, but if they continue gaining like they have been, they will be fine!

Unfortunately, the chicken and rice baby food isn't good for them. However, Gerber turkey and chicken meat-only baby food is perfect. You can also mix Gerber plain rice cereal into their formula for extra nutrition.

I'm sure you are super busy now that school has started, so it's great you are still fitting the supplementing into your schedule. Another week of it will get them ready to begin trying mushy solids.

It's not necessary to spend money on a contraption. With 9, it will be hard to contain them, and they get very busy in a hurry, and quickly outgrow such things.

If you have a room you could dedicate to them, it would be ideal. It needs to be kitten-proofed, and have things to climb and play with, though they will spend a fair amount of time tussling with each other. Their food, water, and litter pans will need to be nearby eventually as well.

They are just precious in the pictures! [emoji]128522[/emoji]
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  • #78


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Ok... I will donate the baby food and buy some that will work. As for a dedicated room, I really am having a hard time figuring that out. The only room that might work is the bathroom but it is not very big so I am not sure how well that will work. I will keep thinking about it and figure something out. My house is rather open and my bedroom would be hard to kitten proof. I also have 4 dogs so I am trying to make a plan that will work for everyone :)
Thanks for the advice!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Ah, I see your problem. I see why you want to figure out a way to contain them.

Tents and playpens work well, but the kittens quickly outgrow them. And bathrooms are usually too limited in space and exploration potential.

Some people find ways to block off part of a room with various materials. It's a challenge!
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  • #80


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Yes... My plan is to have them in the living room but I need a way to contain them when I am not here and at night etc. I will probably try the tent thing and open it so they can come out in the daytime and play and explore. This leads to my next question...

I came home from work today and their bedding has lots of pee and poop spots. This is the first time that this has happened. First of all, is this normal? Their box is smelly today so I want to make sure I am not missing any possible warning signs. Are they ready to be introduced to the litter box or should I just keep changing their bedding?

I am also a little worried about mama today. She had diarrhea last night and again today. She appears ok and is eating, drinking and nursing the kittens like normal. Should I be worried and is there anything I should do for her or should I just monitor her closely? I did look at her mammaries and they are soft and not hot or cracked. I had double mastitis with my daughter and know how miserable that can be but I see no signs of it. Also no worms in her poo or anything like that. Any advice would be appreciated :) I will take her to the vet tomorrow if it seems like something I should do?
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