Abandoned cat with myriad of health problems


TCS Member
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Feb 28, 2020
Hey everyone I I'm new to this forum. I just registered cause I need some advice. Now, I want to start by saying I know that ultimately, the answer is going to be take him to the vet ASAP, but honestly I just can't afford it right now. Me and my wife are living paycheck to paycheck and we have a 10 year old daughter to take care of, which is by no means cheap. I plan on taking him as soon as I can afford it. Not sure when that'll be though. So, on to the point...

So we just recently moved and we found a cat always hanging out in our yard, and it's crazy cause he looks JUST like one of our old cats who died a few years back, so needless to say he had our attention. You can tell he used to belong to someone cause he let us approach and even pet him, all be it after a little coaching. It was obvious he'd been abandoned cause he was pretty emaciated, with no collar and he NEVER left our yard. So me being me, I began feeding and taking care of him, cause we already have 3 indoor cats. But it became clear that he has something wrong with him. First we noticed his skin is flaky and covered in bumps that almost feel like scabs, yet they're skin colored. It's mainly on his back, towards his tail. And he's missing a few front teeth. He also has lumps under his skin on his underside, around his stomach area. But they come and go it seems like. Next is his feces smells TERRIBLE. By far the worst we've ever smelled. When he uses the litter box I literally have to scoop it immediately and take it outside. It's that bad. And half the time it isn't solid. Not completely liquid either though. He also has had two separate seizures, that I've witnessed personally. It's almost like his back legs seize up, cause he still has control over his front legs when it happens. He literally just had one as he sat on top of a chair and he managed to catch himself on the way down, all while his back legs tensed up and folded in on him. He also urinated a little while it happened. But by far the weirdest thing is his blood. Not too long ago he got jumped on by a stray tom cat, and I ran outside to break it up and bring him in, and when I picked him up all I could smell was death. And it was coming from his wound. His blood literally smells just like a decaying animal. I've never seen anything like it before. He doesn't normally smell bad. It's just his blood. Any other time he smells like a regular old indoor/outdoor cat. And this has happened twice. Not sure if it's related to but he's also ALWAYS swishing his tail. My wife believes it is. Cause his tail literally does not stop moving, unless he's completely asleep. So if anyone has any idea what this might be, I would really appreciate it. I've gotten really attached to him.

P.S. We keep him completely separated from our other cats. I only bring him in at night and when it's really cold out. And when I do we lock the other cats in a separate part of the house. Also, pardon the mess in the background of the pictures. His indoor domain happens to be our basement.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. The obvious answer as you know, is a vet visit. But, if he is OK with being inside, can't you keep him in your basement rather than letting him go outside at all? If he is continually being beat upon by other cats, that would at least stop if he isn't outside. Or, at a minimum, let him out for small bits of time under your supervision. The smell is probably from broken-open abscesses when he is bleeding, and that is also likely what the scabs are all about. Not to scare you, but if he isn't soon treated, these wounds could lead to sepsis and it will kill him. Does he eat well? How long have you been feeding him? I am hoping to hear that after some more time of you providing him with all of his food that the stool will firm up and not smell so bad - it all could be about what he is eating outside when you let him out there.

Have you considered asking your vet about a payment plan? Or, check into local rescue centers that might have vet services you could get at a discount? How about What is CareCredit? | CareCredit or waggle.org?
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TCS Member
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Feb 28, 2020
He doesn't like being inside. The only time he doesn't fuss about it is when it's either pouring down rain or extremely cold out. Any other time he sits at the door and mews that super deep tom cat meow, nonstop. Sometimes eventually he'll let up. I'm trying to get him used to being inside more and more. It's been about three months now that I've been taking care of him. And I make sure he always has food and water, so he shouldn't really have a reason to scavenge, but I guess cats will do what they want anyway.

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
I don't have a lot of advice, but when you do take him to a vet, be sure to make another appointment to have him neutered. It could be that there are some female cats in the area that he is aware of. And being neutered will help calm him down and make it easier for him to adjust to being inside.