A Meow Meow Gif A Day Keeps The Woof Woof Away

P+P's Meom

What if I don't want to stay calm?
Adult Cat
Apr 28, 2019
Edge of an Iowa Corn field
Somehow, the drain pipe under our kitchen sink got disconnected. It's almost like someone was climbing on it . . . 🤔


Patter, obviously plotting . . .

Patter, my li'l girl, is in charge of daily inspections of all cabinets in the apt, but says she didn't notice anything unusual.
Those cabinets now have a latch and I get dirty looks on a daily basis. 🤷‍♀️

The only reason she hasn't gotten into the fridge yet is that she's not quite strong enough. Holy Bast, please don't tell her I said that!
If she ever figures out she could ask her 18# big brother to help . . .

I'm trying to decide what kind of latch to get for the fridge. It's only a matter of time and Pitter knows that the nums are locked in there.
He's the drawer opener and once ate so many nums he got out that he was sick for 2 days.
Kinda like me and mint creme Oreos . . .