My 9 month old kitten has developed a habit of scratching at the carpet mostly by the doors to our room, my son’s room and the stairgate. We’ve put down plastic floor covers in the doorways but he’s just started scratching next to them. He wakes my son up at night and is destroying the carpet. Any ideas? I know every time we get up to tell him off it’s just giving him attention but if we ignore him he’ll completely ruin the carpet. He mostly does it at night or when he’s in the house alone. We’ve tried making sure he’s had a good play before we go to bed (to the point he’s panting) but he still does it. He just wants to be in my son’s room which I won’t allow (he’s under 2 and I’d prefer for now that Oreo doesn’t sleep in the same room). Any ideas? We’re at our wits end