This is my first time posting so please forgive me if I make any mistakes. I recently got three kittens from the shelter, Castaway, Precious, and Banshee. Banshee is named because he is always screaming for attention, he will follow you around and beg to be picked up until you pick him up and hold him for a while. Banshee has had an eye infection since I got him. He is currently taking clavamox and famcicloir for his infections for the last five days, he has about 5 days of medication left. I've also tried applying colloidal silver and opthalmic gel to his eye. Nothing I do seems to help improve his eye, and I dont want my baby to lose his eye. I love my cats like they are my own children, and I'm willing to try just about anything to kill this infection before my baby loses his eye. His eye is actually in really good condition right now, it looks good, when his eye lids open enough to show it. Half the time his eye lids are too swollen for him to open his left eye. I keep washing his eye off with a hot, damp wash cloth, and that seems to be helping a little bit, but I really need the community to get together and give me any tips or tricks you have for getting rid of a kittens eye infection. I've asked the vet, and other then putting him on the same medications for another 2 weeks, they said the only option is to remove the eye.