I took my 14 year old cat who's very active and playful and never acts his age in for a vet visit to get his allergy immunotherapy refill and the vet told me he's either completely or mainly blind, he may have some peripheral vision.
He's obviously well adjusted since he gets around fine and plays and wrestled and even races around with my 6 year old cat.
All the warning signs like vocalizing and occasionally missing when he jumps on the bed I thought were signs of arthritis and pain
His glaucoma and eye pressure test were negative and I feel terrible that I didn't figure this out before.
I've had 12 cats, 3 horses and 3 dogs and none ever were fully blind. Some lost vision as they aged but still had some vision and I figured that out
Idiot vet didn't check him for arthritis or his blood pressure and wants to wait for a future visit so she can charge me more exam fees
I can't tell if the labs show kidney or thyroid problems since she hasn't called me back.
He was diagnosed with feline herpes 9 years ago based on symptoms but never had an actual test to diagnose this and I read that can cause it. Maybe I should ask if there's a definitive test for this?
Has anyone had this? Can it be reversed at all?
I just feel so bad I missed this and it could be too late to reverse this. He's been an extremely vocal talkative cat since I got him at 3 months old and always super clingy with separation anxiety as well. His last visit a year ago his vision was fine to the best of my knowledge I'd hope they checked it and would have told me if there was a problem.
Thanks for any replies/experiences!
To be clear he's had absolutely no symptoms of feline herpes for the past 8 or 9 years since my last dog died. Then he and other cats I had at the time(they've all since died of old age or cancer) all suddenly has sneezing and runny noses which lasted for a week or two. But none were tested for the herpes it did seem to be stress induced unless I brought home cat flu on my clothes or it was airborne.
He's obviously well adjusted since he gets around fine and plays and wrestled and even races around with my 6 year old cat.
All the warning signs like vocalizing and occasionally missing when he jumps on the bed I thought were signs of arthritis and pain
His glaucoma and eye pressure test were negative and I feel terrible that I didn't figure this out before.
I've had 12 cats, 3 horses and 3 dogs and none ever were fully blind. Some lost vision as they aged but still had some vision and I figured that out
Idiot vet didn't check him for arthritis or his blood pressure and wants to wait for a future visit so she can charge me more exam fees
I can't tell if the labs show kidney or thyroid problems since she hasn't called me back.
He was diagnosed with feline herpes 9 years ago based on symptoms but never had an actual test to diagnose this and I read that can cause it. Maybe I should ask if there's a definitive test for this?
Has anyone had this? Can it be reversed at all?
I just feel so bad I missed this and it could be too late to reverse this. He's been an extremely vocal talkative cat since I got him at 3 months old and always super clingy with separation anxiety as well. His last visit a year ago his vision was fine to the best of my knowledge I'd hope they checked it and would have told me if there was a problem.
Thanks for any replies/experiences!
To be clear he's had absolutely no symptoms of feline herpes for the past 8 or 9 years since my last dog died. Then he and other cats I had at the time(they've all since died of old age or cancer) all suddenly has sneezing and runny noses which lasted for a week or two. But none were tested for the herpes it did seem to be stress induced unless I brought home cat flu on my clothes or it was airborne.