cats and dogs

  1. 9 Videos That Prove Dogs And Cats Can Be Good Friends

    9 Videos That Prove Dogs And Cats Can Be Good Friends

    Can Cats and Dogs Be Friends? These Videos Say Yes! As a pup, Travis was found as a stray in Indonesia. About the same time, a skinny ginger kitten, covered in paint, entered the picture. His big ears got him the name of Yoda. Travis and Yoda learned to eat, sleep and play together. Now Yoda...
  2. How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog

    How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog

    Do you have your heart set on being the proud owner of both a cat and a dog? Cats and dogs can and do happily share their lives together in the same household, but establishing a safe environment for both can be a challenge. There is something inherently appealing about interspecies friendship...
  3. Best And Worst Dog Breeds To Live With Cats

    Best And Worst Dog Breeds To Live With Cats

    If you love both cats and dogs you may be wondering if you can ever have both as pets. The good news is: Yes, you can! Many pet owners do just that, enjoying the antics of both canines and felines together! While the individual dog's personality is the most important thing, you can improve your...
  4. How To Keep The Dog Out Of The Cat’s Food And Vice Versa

    How To Keep The Dog Out Of The Cat’s Food And Vice Versa

    There are a number of ways to keep the dog out of the cat’s food - and you should. Cat food contains more fat and can be harmful to dogs who eat it on a regular basis or overeat during a binge. Protecting the cat’s food from your dogFirst things first, how to get Fido away from Kitty's food...
  5. Caring For Cats And Dogs

    Caring For Cats And Dogs

    Can dogs and cats live in peace and harmony under one roof? Of course, but it takes a bit of doing on the part of the human involved. Introduction - Cat to DogBringing a cat into a household where a dog already lives is a scary thing for the cat. Here’s a new environment, new people and this...
  6. Introducing Cats To Dogs

    Introducing Cats To Dogs

    Do you need to make the introductions between a cat and a dog? That's not always easy and can even be risky. In addition to this article by Mary Anne Miller, we also suggest reading: How to Safely Introduce a Cat and a Dog Introducing Cats To Dogs Introducing a cat to a dog is not always a...