Search Results

  1. opiebopie

    Laser pointer Madness!

    I bought a laser pointer for my kitty Ting ---> I know I am not the first person to do so, nor is it a new toy, but she acts like I threw her in a bathtub... she jumps like she is in a fight for her life... sounds bad, but she LOVES the pointer. My mother swears I am "torturing" her. She meows...
  2. opiebopie

    One Goopy Eye and a Puke here and A Puke there...

    All of us got a goopy eye, but was cured by medicine in a tube by our human. But not me! Opie's eye has had discharge (yellow) and it looks watery, despite being medicated. I would take him to the vet, but i am broke. He doesn't go out and is fully vaccinated. My other cats are the same as far...
  3. opiebopie


    I Just saw a duplicate post prior to mine. I live with my parents , who tolerate my 5 cats. They are planning on new know what that means: scratch damage reduction is needed. Has anyone (other then the website testimonials) tried it them? I am interested in your experiences...
  4. opiebopie

    My Litter!

    I Feel Like A Proud Mamma!
  5. opiebopie

    Opie Swats at everyone who tries to Pet Him (except me)

    My Cat Opie Is a very bossy cat. He Scratches anyone who is in his way, He has attacked my Mom twice, What to do?
  6. opiebopie


    Opie (my kitty) is pleased to have found this forum!!