Search Results

  1. L

    4.5 month kitten peeing on floor...

    Help. I recently got 2 male Maine Coon Kittens. They are currently 4.5 months old. They play together and snuggle. One is very outgoing, one is a little more skittish and shy. The outgoing one (Smokey) loves the litter box. No issues. When they were about 3-3.5 months old, I was keeping...
  2. L

    Spraying female Maine Coon

    I have a 4 year old Maine Coon female who has spraying "flare ups."  This all started at the arrival of my 2.5 year old daughter.  She started by peeing in sinks shortly after the new baby arrival - I have two other cats (all indoor) so it took months to figure out which cat was doing it and she...