Search Results

  1. L


    Hello, my cat Margie has been on Atopica for a long time for eosinophilic granuloma. Lately, it is unavailable anywhere due to severe back orders. Anyhow, since she's been off it, she's had a continuous URI (coughing, snotty nose, sneezing). We give her benadryl as per Dr's go-ahead. To no...
  2. L

    My cat's ALT was thru the roof

    Hi! I am new to this site (but not new to cats!) My cat Lola had to go to the E-vet a couple nights ago. She had been kind of slowing down and showing mild lethargy for a few weeks. Then she suddenly stopped eating and wouldn't move. She stayed in a hunched up position and slept a LOT. So we...