Search Results

  1. BeccaT

    Sudden change in feeding behavior

    So since our youngest Kylo joined the family, the eldest cat April has developed a new feeding behavior. This only happened recently, maybe the past month? So it wasn't as soon as Kylo joined us but I believe it's connected. We have 2 automatic feeders, one is a duo and one is a solo. The solo...
  2. BeccaT

    How does my cat keep getting a dirty chin?

    This somewhat related to my previous post about my cat who I first suspected had something wrong with her gums, to then be told she had fleas on her chin, and now I'm not even sure if she had fleas. She seems to be doing good overall, her energy is back and she's (mostly) back to her old self...
  3. BeccaT

    Unsure if my cat is unwell or sad

    I have 3 cats as of recent, we've had our Annie for about 2 years now, and adopted a second cat for her several months later. The second cat was intended to be a play buddy for her but sadly April is not that kind of cat, but they get along. Recently, a third has joined our household after we...
  4. BeccaT

    Affordable food for "all life stages"?

    So I just discovered that "all life stages" food exists for cats and I'm very intrigued. To give the short version, my household currently consists of 2 adult cats and 1 kitten. The adults get fed dry food in small portions throughout the day via an automatic feeder, something my husband...
  5. BeccaT

    Found kitten last night!

    Last night at around 8:30pm, me and my husband had some of his family visit, and upon answering the door and talking to them outside, we heard a little kitten crying in a nearby bush/tree area. It took us at least an hour to capture the little guy, but he was constantly hurting himself by...
  6. BeccaT

    Anxiety over moving with two cats

    Me and my husband are expected to move into our very first home of our own at the end of this month! It's been stressful and exciting, and while he's been dealing with the financial side, I've been dealing with the logistical side of moving. One major concern of mine is moving with our cats...
  7. BeccaT

    Is there really a dominant cat between my two?

    I want to start by saying this isn't really a concern to me! It's more curiosity. So I've always been curious about the dynamic between my two cats. The cat we had first is the youngest, we did want to get a younger second cat when we adopted her but it didn't quite work out due to some...
  8. BeccaT

    Getting cigarette smell out of fur

    I want to start by saying that no one in this household has never, and never will smoke around our cats. The problem is that we have an elderly relative that lives with us and isn’t very open to listening to every concern we have, whether about the cats or not. He thankfully has stopped smoking...
  9. BeccaT

    Reheating chicken for cats?

    Hi! I'm sorry to be posting today, and I'm also sorry if this is a silly question, I'm just a very paranoid cat parent. I have some boneless chicken breasts that I bought specifically to make for our cats for a little Christmas Day treat. We're not doing the traditional turkey today so we can't...
  10. BeccaT

    Older, newer cat still won't play nice

    We've had our youngest cat Annie for over a year now, it was a year in October. We'll have had our second older cat April in, well, April, so the two cats haven't been together for a year yet. From the beginning, this was a problem but I let time run its course. Thankfully things did get better...
  11. BeccaT

    Teaching cats how to share an automatic feeder

    So yesterday, our new automatic feeder arrived. It's one that has two separate bowls and distributes the portions well. They're still getting used to it but I think they're adjusting well, to a degree. We've set it to release several small meals a day (it's enough grams/calories and not too...
  12. BeccaT

    How can I maintain/slightly lower my cat's weight?

    So we just took our cat April to the vet to get her updated on shots and for a general wellness check. The vet told us that she's supposed to be 10lbs but is currently 12lbs and advised us to be more careful with how much we feed her, but it's not a major cause for concern yet. As long as we...
  13. BeccaT

    Vomiting & strange litter box behavior

    I've been spiraling for the past few hours because our youngest (1 year old) cat Annie, seems to be sick. So as a bit of prior information, I've been concerned about her for maybe a week or longer. She suddenly had an increased appetite, wasn't necessarily overeating but seemed hungrier than...
  14. BeccaT

    Struggling to find the right litter for a litter robot

    Hi! So my husband decided to take the plunge a few weeks ago and bought us a litter robot. For the record, I was 100% fine with a manual litter box as I'm the one that cleans it out. But we had a few days vacation planned that we returned from yesterday where our only option was to ask the...
  15. BeccaT

    Newer cat too aggressive when playing

    I was hoping I wouldn't have to make this kind of post, but here I am. So we adopted our newest cat April, at the beginning of April (hence the name, lol) and we went through a proper introduction process to our resident cat Annie. It was slow and a bit shakey as to be expected, but they now...
  16. BeccaT

    Almost 1 year old won't stop whining

    So our youngest cat who is almost 1 year old, Annie, has started to incessantly cry for our attention and it only started maybe 1-2 weeks ago. I mentioned her age because I'm wondering if it's an age thing, but she's never been this bad before, even when she was younger. She'd still cry a little...
  17. BeccaT

    Cat toys made of things similar to deer hair?

    So recently, both of my cats have been obsessed with this one toy that's actually an attachment to a wand we bought a while ago. It's made of some weird fuzzy/spikey material that has fluff/feathers on the end and I believe it's actually made of "deer hair". They've become obsessed with it to...
  18. BeccaT

    Birthday meal for a sensitive stomach

    I hope this is the appropriate place to ask this, I apologise if not! Our Annie's 1st birthday is coming up in August and we want to do something special for her to celebrate. We were thinking of making her a special birthday meal, or a cat "birthday cake" but she has a very sensitive stomach...
  19. BeccaT

    Leaving 2 cats alone for a day

    I feel very silly making this post but I'm a very paranoid and anxious cat owner (and person in general) so I work myself up over these kinds of things. So, there's the possibility that me and my husband will be away from home from the morning until evening (not staying away overnight) very...
  20. BeccaT

    Litter box terrorizing

    So we've had our first cat Annie since October last year. We have a newly adopted cat April that we've had for almost 3 months now. Introductions were rocky at first, but I think the two of them are much better than they once were. They rarely "fight", they'll clean each other and I've even...