Search Results

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    Can I Get Recommended A Good ToothBrush For My Cat?

    Hello, So I just got back from the vet. We decided it be a good idea to start brushing my cat's teeth. I've gone through the process, so I know what to do and how to take it slowly. I have the toothpaste. But I was wondering if people here can recommend a good toothbrush. The main issues are...
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    Cat Got A Grade 2 Heart Mumur?

    So I just came home from the vet, and at the vet, my vet said she detected, what she believes to be a grade 2 heart mumur. Not sure what to do. She said I could check out a cardiologist. Thing is the budget is pretty tight right now. Not sure what to think? Thoughts?
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    Has Anyone Gotten Pet Buttons For Their Cats?

    Talking about situations like this? Just wondering if anyone has tried something like this out?
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    My Cat Dry Heaved For 20 Seconds?

    So maybe once a month, my cat will vomit out her food. Always happens an hour after she eats, and only happens if she hasn't eaten all day, and suddenly eats a lot. So she was sitting on my lap, and she starting gagging, she did it for 20-40 seconds, but nothing came out. She got out of my...
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    Want To Make Cat Food For The First Time, Anyone Still Use Dr. Pierson's Recipe?

    Hello, So I wanted to make cat food for the first time. Never tried it before. I see some people recommend Dr. Pierson's Recipe. Do people here recommend it? I just noticed in some way it's a lot simpler than other recipes with less complicated meats, but way more vitamins and such? Please...
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    How To Wash My Cat?

    So cats hate taking baths. So I never give my cat those. But every once in a while, she'll accumulate some dust, or litter on her face. Are there any wipes with some soap properties people here recommend that I can use to wipe my cat? She doesn't seem to mind those at all.
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    Any New Fun Toys Or Gifts For Cats?

    Feel like I've already done a ton of research and looked on amazon for all the unique cat toys out there. Have tried a bunch with my cats. But wondering if anyone have any unique recommendations on something a cat would enjoy?
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    Saw A Black Cat Hanging In My Patio Outside? Anything I should Do?

    I noticed a black cat visit my patio recently. I live in a condo, so it's not really a backyard. He/she has visited a few times at night, but now she is visiting and staying outside every night. Last night she seemed to have slept in my outdoor chair from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Just today she...
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    Any cat wipes for teeth you recommend?

    Hello, Are there any dental wipes you guys recommend? My cat teeth aren't great, and her breath smells pretty bad. I take her in for dental cleanings once a year, but feel like I could do more.
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    Cat Constantly Moving Her Food From Her Bowl?

    Hi, So for the longest time, whenever my cat gets something she enjoys to eat. She'll pick up the food out of the bowl and move a few inches away to eat. She'll do this and some chunks of food will fall on my carpet. I do have a little mat around her bowl, but she does move just far away for it...
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    Is Terro Ant Killer Safe For Cats?

    So recently moved to a new home. Always noticed some small ants in my bedroom. Today I moved my cat's food bowl somewhere for an hour by mistake. When I came over to change it, I noticed a ton of ants crawling over the food, and even more crawling on the walls. I went out and got some Ortho...
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    Cat friendly Mosquito Repellent?

    So I'm trying to find a mosquito repellent to repel mosquitoes off of me, but a lot of the solutions seem to be poisonous for cats. Obviously I won't spray on my cat, but once I spray it on myself, I'll come into contact with my cat, so not sure what to do there? Anyone know of any solutions?
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    Just moved, cat still hasn't pooped yet?

    Hello, So I just moved my cat yesterday in the morning. It's being over 30 hours now. So my cat is very very shy, she hides and runs away from everyone but me. And she didn't handle the move well. I'm keeping her just in my bedroom. She is now hiding under my bed blanket where she has being...
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    How To Select A New Vet?

    So I'm moving to a new state. The travel isn't that far, but it's a new area. I'm going to have to find a new vet for my cat. Wondering how people recommend I look for the right one? So far asking around there seems to be two good option. One with a lot of positive recommendations, slightly...
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    Cat Lost a bit of weight recently?

    So my cat in the last 3 months has lost around 12% of her body weight. Same vet weighed her three months ago. Vet did bloodwork, and didn't find anything. Could the weight loss just have being weight that she gained in the winter? Heard cats gain weight in the winter. In the winter, she weighed...
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    How Many Cats Are Euthanized In The USA Each Year?

    So unfortunately many pets are killed each year. Do we know currently how many cats are euthanized in recent years? The only reliable source I have is the ASPCA here: Pet Statistics But they don't have a source. Can anyone provide any more concrete information on this?
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    Thoughts On Cat Backpacks?

    What do we think of cat backpacks? Would want one to take my cat to the vet, or maybe to take her outside to enjoy the outside for a bit. Anyone have any thoughts? Any you would recommend?
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    Are There Any Health Benefits To Letting Your Cat Go Into Heat Once?

    From what my vet has told me, letting your cat go into heat, even once, greatly increases the chance of the cat having breast cancer. But I've also heard people say they let their cat go into heat once since it increases that cat's bone growth and bodily maturity? What do people think of this...
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    Do Cat Teeth Wipes Help? Dental health?

    So I took my cat to a dental appointment yesterday. She had a cleaning under anesthesia. She is recovering fine. Just wondering what I can do for her to help her teeth not get worse again anytime soon? Do dental wipes like these help...
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    What Causes Cat's Fur "Softness" To Vary Throughout The Day?

    So my 4 year old's cat fur quality seems to vary a lot? One part of the day it's super soft, a few hours later, it becomes a bit rougher, then the next hour, it could be super soft again, and other times it's extremely soft to the touch. What causes this variation throughout the day?