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  1. M

    Cat has bronchitis & abnormal pancreas levels

    Hi everyone!! Our 6 year old cat Dusty started to become very lethargic on Tuesday evening he usually is very on the go & wants to go outside but I noticed he was in his cat condo most of the day. The next morning he didn’t come for his canned wet food like normal he was just laying on the...
  2. M

    Cat’s Intestines & Colon Inflamed

    Hey everyone! Our 5 year old cat Dusty who is an indoor/outdoor cat ( he comes in before dark) started throwing up on Monday after eating a chipmunk while we were out. I got concerned & called the vet the next day after seeing him eat his morning food but then go seek grass outside & then come...
  3. M

    Cat peeing blood

    Hey everyone, Yesterday morning I noticed pee outside the litter box so I wiped it up & noticed mucus in the pee. I have 5 cats so I had no clue who it could’ve been since this was all when we woke up. My husband & I went out pretty much the whole day & when I got home I checked the litter box...
  4. M

    Senior Cat Peeing Blood

    Hey everyone! This morning when I came downstairs I noticed that one of my 5 cats had thrown up & then after cleaning that up I noticed a small puddle of blood near the bathroom where the litter boxes are. I narrowed it down to 3 of my cats since the other 2 were in bed with us all night but...
  5. M

    Cat limping

    Hello everyone! Our cat Lucky who is 4 years today suddenly started limping on her one paw when she jumped off the couch this afternoon. This morning everything was fine then we let her outside (she is indoor/outdoor but in by 7pm) we ran some errands & came home about 12 she jumped off the...