Search Results

  1. S

    Transitioning from kitten to adult food - dry recommendations

    Hi all my kitten now is one year old and ready to move up to an adult cat food. She has been eating a mix of good grain free wet and dry kitten instinct but she didn't seem very happy with the adult instinct. I was wondering if anyone has some recommendations? The Halo that I...
  2. S

    Dry food for kitten

    I’m primarily feeding my kitten wet food and recently got furious because my mom has been giving her dry food as a meal or snack. I don’t mind it so much as a snack but certainly not 9 lives. Is there a good brand y’all recommend? I’m looking for something easy on her digestion because she’s not...
  3. S

    Transitioning from store brand dry food

    Hi everyone, my cats actually doing great thanks to the help of this forum and well my mom has a question about transitioning her "addicted to Purina dry food" away from that cheap food and onto something better for her. Mind you she does eat mostly wet but she does enjoy her kibble every so...
  4. S

    Older kitty with constipation issues

    Hi everyone I'm hoping to gain some advice (long time lurker finally decided to post) I have a 17 year old cat that I have raised since he was a kitten. He has been through a lot. Surgery for crystals when he was 5 years old, then about 2 years ago he had surgery called Perineal Urethostomy...