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  1. K

    Please help! My cat is attacking me!

    If an adult cat and has just started to attack you, then it either sick or in pain (take it to the vet right away). If it is an indoor cat, it may just require some stimulation. Get it a new toy. It doesn't have to cost you anything, as even a free cardboard box could help. Or maybe it is just...
  2. K

    New Cat Angry and Hiding! Not eating too

    It’s very typical for many different types of stress to induce this behavior in cats. Being introduced to a new environment is one of the most stressful things that can happen in a house cat’s life. Just let your cat sort himself out and learn his new environment and get to feel secure and...
  3. K

    Is a second cat actually a good idea?

    One benefit is that the two cats provide each other with exercise, social interaction, and other forms of mental stimulation. Cats housed together have more opportunity to “be cats” by socializing and playing with each other, and this means they are less likely to be destructive or engage in...
  4. K

    Good chasing or bad chasing?

    Chasing is instinctive for cats. They do learn techniques from each other. But in fostering numerous kittens without mothers, some of whom have had to grow up as singletons without another cat to show them anything, I can attest that chasing is built into the system. A cat will do this even if...
  5. K

    Kitty with sensitive tummy keeps losing weight

    My cat Giles has a very sensitive stomach, I have had to switch his diet around a few times. There are lots of different cat foods out there which are better for cats with sensitive stomachs. I'd recommend Hill Science or Halo Spots. But firstly, it is important to understand whether or not the...
  6. K

    Introducing dog

    If you get a puppy, this will work even better. The cats won't be frightened by the dog's size and will quickly get the upper hand. The dog will respect them. Put them in the same room for short periods of time, building up to longer periods of time, where the cats can jump up somewhere out of...
  7. K

    Cats eating too fast

    My cat has the same problem and he was like that for the past 13 years of his life. Now in his 14th year, we have hacked the problem. Instead of giving your cat a full serving (whether it’s a full sachet of wet food or a measured amount of biscuits) split the serving in half. Serve the first...
  8. K

    How do I cat-proof my 1 bedroom apartment?

    like you would for a toddler. Put breakables away. They climb on tables and knock things over. They hop into potted plants, dig, and go potty in them. They play with plants and chew on them. They scratch furniture with abandon so be prepared. That’s a toughie to stop. There is a double-sided...
  9. K

    Kitten always hungry

    Kittens are always hungry because of their crazy energy and most of them double their weight nearly every 4 weeks in the first 3 to 4 months. Some have a slower growth curve, some have a faster curve. They are burning off the calories nearly as fast as they take in another small meal. Kittens...
  10. K

    Help! Cat suddenly hissing and attacking me

    Any sudden change of behavior in a cat signifies a problem. Your cat is most likely in pain, which a multitude of medical issues could cause. Your cat is telling you it has a problem by its change in behavior. So it is up to you to listen to what your cat is telling you and helping it by getting...
  11. K

    Sudden aggression in one of my cats

    A couple of possibilities are that it could be sick and/or in pain. Illnesses and injuries are not always visibly evident in cats as they have a high tolerance for pain. If it’s strictly an indoor cat, it could be due to another cat it has seen, heard, or smelled outside. It may feel threatened...
  12. K

    Cat Constantly Begging for Attention

    Can you spend 15 minutes playing with him every morning before work to get some of his energy and attention worked out of him? Focus on things that will use up his energy, like playing fetch or chasing a feather on a string. If you take regular breaks during the day (e.g., lunch, coffee)...
  13. K

    Does my kitten sleep too much

    While the number of hours kittens sleep may seem excessive to new kitten owners, oversleeping in kittens is usually no cause to worry. If you notice your sleepy kitten seems to be low on energy when he is awake or if the amount he sleeps increases, this can indicate a medical problem, such as...
  14. K

    Trying to get cats to socialize

    The younger the cat coming into the household the more open the current resident(s) seems to be. When we added an adult cat to our household it took almost a year for the other two to get used to the idea. But when we added the kitten it only took a couple of months for the three previous...
  15. K

    I need help - how do I keep Austin out of the kitchen when I'm cooking?

    To get a cat to stop doing whatever, you need to make the results undesirable for them. Never use physical discipline on cats. Shouting might be unpleasant for them, but it only happens when you are present. Cats come to connect this sort of thing with you, so they figure, "oh, I can't do this...
  16. K

    How do you protect your plants from your cats?

    Cover the ground with chicken wire. You can water the plants, but that naughty furbaby can’t go there to do her business. You might try misting the plants with a vinegar/water solution to the former. Cats don’t like that smell. If you would like to try something else, I suggest that you let your...
  17. K

    Aggression in newly adopted cat

    Could be a medical reason. When a cat is in pain or dealing with a medical problem it can become aggressive. It’s not on purpose, nor is it really because of anything anyone did. I would say it should be a priority for you to take your cat to the vet for a full work-up and seriously scrutinize...
  18. K

    Is he playing or is he being aggressive?

    Your kitten is at the play-fight age. Usually, they do this with their siblings and mother and soon learn on their own skin that bites hurt so they eventually stop the behavior. But since you cannot bite him back to prove it hurts, you will have to be patient and also try not to encourage him...
  19. K

    Is he playing or is he being aggressive?

    Your kitten is at the play-fight age. Usually, they do this with their siblings and mother and soon learn on their own skin that bites hurt so they eventually stop the behavior. But since you cannot bite him back to prove it hurts, you will have to be patient and also try not to encourage him...
  20. K

    Moving in with dogs

    You should expect to take a minimum of a month to introduce your dog and cat properly. Cats are usually more sensitive about their territory than dogs, so it may take months before she feels comfortable being in the presence of a dog. Changes in a cat’s environment cause them a lot of stress due...