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  1. M

    Cat acted like she peed but she didn't - should I be worried?

    I have a 1 and a half year old old cat. She's a star and always uses her litter box. Just now she did a meow that usually announces she is going to poop (does anyone else's cat do this?). Sometimes she keeps crying until I stop in the doorway and wait for her, before she'll start to dig and do...
  2. M

    Storage of dry cat food?

    Like a lot of the country, the heat has snuck up very early and quickly. I was taken by surprise a bit as I don't watch the news. I have been storing dry cat food in the garage during fall/winter/spring as my garage doesn't get too cold and it was a nice temperature. However, the last two weeks...
  3. M

    8 month old cat biting in retaliation - what do I do and how do I stop this?

    My cat has gone from super sweet to super sweet interspersed with instances several times a day when she just has to bite my hands in retaliation for something she's percieved as wrong on my end. Until today she's never broken skin, though there would be indents briefly, and always welts left...