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  1. eva21513

    One cat with intussusception, one with suspected case

    I can't believe I'm writing this post. As background, my cats are both indoor cats - both spayed females, one is 3 and one is 13 months old. They never throw up - I mean it's happened exactly once in the past year...before a few days ago. That's when I noticed that one cat was throwing up...
  2. eva21513

    Nightmare - ibuprofen

    I have lots of news, first of which is that Millie has a new sister, who I initially called Gertie but renamed Maisy 😅 Maisy is an 18-week-old kitten who has been with me for 5 weeks now. Since she’s so young, when I need to be out of the home for 6+ hours, I have a pet sitter come. The pet...
  3. eva21513

    Feline companion for cat who loves human attention?

    Millie (2 year old Ragamuffin) loves human attention. She's really good, when I'm on a zoom or a phone call, she just situates herself in her basket next to my computer and waits patiently for me to finish up, even if it interrupts a play session. But I'm currently working outside of the home...
  4. eva21513

    Ate the end of a Q-tip -_-

    Millie loves playing with q-tips and I normally supervise her closely, but work interfered and she was with one with no supervision for an hour. She loves dipping things into water and she clearly did that with this q-tip, and then must've played with it - one end was completely removed and is...
  5. eva21513

    Cat is oddly picky about play

    This might be normal or in my head, but I think Millie is weirdly picky about playtime. I have literally dozens of toys for her. I mean, dozens of types of toys, probably at least a hundred individual toys. Some are out all the time, some are not. In addition to the toys that are always...
  6. eva21513

    What do I look like?

    I adopted Millie from someone who bought her from an infamous ragdoll/ragamuffin kitten mill.. but I’m wondering if she is actually a ragamuffin (papers say she is but she’s only 8lbs at 22 months old). What does she look like to you?
  7. eva21513

    URI, not drinking water

    Poor Millie is still having bad luck =( She had a stomach bug about 2 weeks ago, and that finally resolved, but now she has a pretty bad upper respiratory infection. I took her to the vet the evening of 12/30 and they said she had a fever and gave her Convenia (wish I googled that before I said...
  8. eva21513

    Millie's dry heaving, not acting herself

    Hello, I have a 1.5-year-old spayed Ragamuffin, Millie. I've had her for 6 weeks. My ex-boyfriend and his cat (to whom Millie was never introduced) just moved out on Saturday, and since then she has had full run of the apartment. On Sunday she had a big loose stool. Not completely out of the...
  9. eva21513

    Introducing Millie and Reina

    Hi all! I adopted a young (1.5 years) cat, Millie, a week ago today. She’s been cleared for introductions by the vet and so two days ago we started trying to feed Millie and Reina, my boyfriend’s cat, on opposite sides of a door. Up until then, I don’t think Reina was aware that Millie was...
  10. eva21513

    New member with a new cat, feeling anxious!!

    Hi all! I'm not totally new to cats - I had them growing up, and my boyfriend has a 7-year-old cat, Reina, and we've been living together for a year. But I've been yearning for a cat of my own, and I just adopted an 18-month-old cat from *cringe* Craigslist. I've been on the waitlist for my...