Search Results

  1. SnowbabySuperCat

    How do i force mom cat to relocate kittens? My neighbor is threatening to call animal control

    Hello, a stray mom cat near to me is taking care of a litter on my neighbors front porch (we live in a apartment complex) and the person stayed they would call animal control of I don't get the kittens relocated. I moved the kittens on my porch, but momma cat just moves them right back. What do...
  2. SnowbabySuperCat

    Mom cat dissapeared without a trace for no reason

    Please excuse any misspellings or grammatical errors, I'm typing this in a great hurry. A mom cat that never EVER leaves the area near our apartment has gone missing, leaving her abandoned kitten in a Bush near our apartment. She has 0 reason to ever leave the Bush. Yesterday she was in the...
  3. SnowbabySuperCat

    I had to give my Kitten away to someone i fear is untrustworthy

    Less than an hour ago an adopter that my neighbor said wanted a kitten came by and upon immediate inspection of the person i immediately feared for my kittens life. The Only thing going that keeps ringing in my head, is that moment when i handed the adopter the carrier and they exclaimed "i was...
  4. SnowbabySuperCat

    My cat ate a small cooked chicken bone and is throwing up pink/red watery liquid (puncture?)

    My cat rummaged through our trash can and found some church chicken, chicken bones and managed to eat one and has now been vomiting pink/red liquid that has the consistency of water. What does this mean and please help.