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  1. H

    Cat not eating very much lately. I think treats are the culprit

    I have a male cat that is 7 years old. I started feeding him those Temptations cat treats about 6 months ago. I would give him a little handful when I came home from work on most days, but not every single day. So he is always waiting there meowing when I get home wanting a treat. But...
  2. H

    How often do you brush your cat and what do you use?

    Just curious what others use to brush their cat and how often? Mine is an indoor cat. I grew up with animals so hair in the house is part of it ...
  3. H

    Question about my cat's behavior

    I come cat is meowing.....his tail is twitching...... I think he is telling me to feed him even though he has food...... typical.......I tell him "No".......I walk away and he grabs my legs and bites me.....why? I think he wants a treat and is trying to control me......he knows what...