Search Results

  1. Melorin

    Cat is grumpy and obsessively tries to escape?

    Hello, we have 8 cats. The second one we've ever gotten, Lancelot, has been a bit of a nightmare lately. He's neutered, albeit when he was 3-4 months old due to a medical reason. He's an indoor cat with the access into our garden under supervision. He's been spraying everywhere, counter...
  2. Melorin

    Cat spraying and leaving the garden suddenly?

    Hello, we have 8 cats. Lancelot, the problem cat, is our second one. He's been spraying a little since Christmas, maybe like once a week, at the same time our close neighbor got a kitten. The kitten is indoor/outdoor cat and is often in our garden. The neigbor went to America for a month and...
  3. Melorin

    After staying at the vets all night, cat doesn't eat nor drink

    Hello, our cat, Merlin, doesn't eat nor drink since yesterday. On Thursday, we went outside (to our tiny garden, we always watch them to make sure they don't leave, since they're indoor cats) and he ate some grass. Later on he threw up twice, both times the grass was in it. Later, however, he...
  4. Melorin

    How Can I Tell Which Cat Is The Dominant One (if There's One)?

    Hello, it's not all that important question, but I thought it might be interesting to know. We've got 4 cats and 1 dog. They're all indoor cats. All neutered, all boys. The dog's also a boy. Every time I read something about two or more cats living together there's always something about one of...
  5. Melorin

    Balding Spot Around One Eye

    Hello, we have a new kitten for the past three months, he was malnourished and weak when we got him ( both mentally and physically ) but now he's doing rather well. For the past two days or so he keeps his left eye mostly closed, mom applies some ointment that should help and whilst it did...
  6. Melorin

    Pooping Into His Food Bowl

    Hello, i've already posted about a similiar problem, but it got worse. We've got cca. 8 months old kitten and he doesn't seem to get better. He's completely healthy, yet he still pees and now even poops outside the litterbox. Yesterday and today he pooped into his own food bowl as well. I'll...
  7. Melorin

    What To Do With The Pooping And Peeing?

    Hi, a week ago I posted a thread asking for help with my new kitten. He was pooping into the litterbox and peeing outside. I've read the articles and tried the methods users adviced me to but in the end nothing really worked. We've tried changing the type of litter- that didn't do anything, we...
  8. Melorin

    9m Old Kitten Not Using The Litter Box

    Hello, we have 3 cats and 1 dog- all of them are boys and recently- about two weeks ago we've gotten a kitten from a shelter, he's 9 months old- at least according to the shelter- he's really small and thin (we've got a kitten that age and he's nowhere near as big as him). He's got problems...