Search Results

  1. mommawolf

    Does this sound serious?

    Yikes! Tybalt would hate me if I shaved him, but the thought has crossed my mind once already. I hope it doesn't come to that. 128575
  2. mommawolf

    Does this sound serious?

    A bit of an update in case anyone was wondering: Nothing happened yesterday. Tybalt was his normal self and nothing seemed to be troubling him at all. However, late in the evening there was one point when he was cleaning himself and he went into a nasty, coughing, gagging fit on a wad of loose...
  3. mommawolf

    Kitten who can't move

    I can't wait for more updates! He's coming along so well! I too would like to say I believe hydrotherapy would do him wonders. He may even learn to really love water and be a watercat if the hydrotherapy helps him. Go Reeves, Go!
  4. mommawolf

    Does this sound serious?

    Okay, so I'm finally back from getting some paperwork done, cleaning a bit, and talking to the vet. He said that it sounded like he -could- possibly have a mild dust allergy and that he should stay out of places like that until I get my spring cleaning done- that the snot could very easily have...
  5. mommawolf

    Does this sound serious?

    Blarg. I called but everyone is out to lunch. It was just the secretary. She said he'll call me back, or she will after she spoke to him. So I just have to wait. Tybalt went back to his window to hide, so I'm going to search over the house again to see if it was something he could have eaten...
  6. mommawolf

    Does this sound serious?

    Okay, so I was sitting here on my phone with him on my lap cleaning himself, and all of a sudden he started slinging his head and smacking his mouth. A huge glop of fur and what looks like dust bunnies got flinged on me. It's pretty gross but I looked at it under the light and though it looks...
  7. mommawolf

    Does this sound serious?

    Oh, and the snot all over his face was mostly clear, that's why I fatally, unknowingly put my hand all in it. Gross gross gross.
  8. mommawolf

    Does this sound serious?

    Tybalt woke me up this morning by walking up my side, like he often does, but instead of purring, he was licking and smacking his mouth. I woke up, half blind, and immediately looked in his mouth to see if he had eatten something he wasn't supposed to because it sounded like he had something...
  9. mommawolf

    Scattergories Game

    Penumbra I'm using the terms Umbra and Penumbra in the pen and paper RPG I'm writing to describe the spiritual plane of existence and the afterlife. 128568 Brand Name (Q)
  10. mommawolf

    Put your heart out to a dog on Valentine's Day

    I'm sorry no pictures made it to the thread. I've had internet and phone problems combined. It's been insane over here. As far as I know, the dog did find his home, but I was unable to get more information about him. I'm so glad regardless!
  11. mommawolf

    Put your heart out to a dog on Valentine's Day

    Hmmm... My phone still isn't cooperating. I may have to tether it to my computer to upload the images.
  12. mommawolf

    Put your heart out to a dog on Valentine's Day

    So my morning was eventful. I woke up with Tybalt on my face trying to get me out of bed like he does when someone was at the door. As I was pulling myself awake, I heard a noise at the front door, but it was not a normal knocking sound. I looked out the peep hole and saw no one there, but the...
  13. mommawolf

    Meet Shia my pregnant baby :)

    It's times like this I wish I could email my famous chicken spaghetti to people. 128514 Pizza sounds like an awesome idea though. Anything that can limit your time away from her. I can sure tell she loves you. 128149
  14. mommawolf

    Question of the day - Thursday 11 February

    I can't drive. I have severe anxiety and PTSD that prevents me from functioning emotionally well behind the wheel of a car. Hopefully one day, with enough treatment, I will be able to once more, but for now, I have to have someone drive me places... And that someone is usually my mother. My...
  15. mommawolf

    Bro and advanced arthritis and prognosis

    Such a handsome cat. I will light a candle for you all. I hope that whatever happens is for the best. You are in my heart. 128159
  16. mommawolf

    Yes or No game

    Yes! I think I've won a reasonable amount for the average person. I'm not particularly lucky or unlucky either way. All I know is that I enjoy hosting raffles more than being in them! My anxiety is too bad to wait on the results! Lol! Do you think you took your Christmas tree down in a...
  17. mommawolf

    I need advice pleasee

    Wait sorry. I got confused. Your cat's still on the right schedule, @princesskitty5. I was reading gemz1607's post and got mixed up. Just keep us posted!
  18. mommawolf

    Scattergories Game

    Valentine's Day! A president of the United States (W)
  19. mommawolf

    Tips on stroking a feral

    Be sure to pass these awesome tips on to the kitty's new forever home! We love you all and wish you all luck!128158
  20. mommawolf

    I need advice pleasee

    Keep us posted! You might have to take your cat to the vet!