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  1. T

    Kitty Loves To Kick Litter!

    When I got my cat, she had a urinary tract infection, so she can be a bit sensitive when it comes to litter box issues. I recently switched to the cat attract litter, which she loves. The problem is that the litter is sandy and she kicks it all over the place. I’m living in a house with three...
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    Cat Urinating In Certain Spots Outside Of Litter Box

    Yes, it's likely she isn't all the way better and that is probably contributing to these issues. The prescription food is supposed to dissolve the stone, but in the meantime, urinating might be a bit uncomfortable. So it's possible these problems might resolve once she's all better, but since I...
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    Cat Urinating In Certain Spots Outside Of Litter Box

    I adopted a cat about a week ago. She's almost 5 and when I got her, she had a mild bladder stone. They sent her home with antibiotics, pain meds, and prescription food. She's now finished with all her medication, but she's still on the prescription food. The adoption center suggested I take her...
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    Cat With Bladder Stone

    Hi, everyone! So, I was all set to adopt a cat (female, four years old) from a local shelter when they called me to say they were sending her to vet because she was having trouble urinating and what came out was pink. Turns out, she has a bladder stone. They said they are putting her on...