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  1. kmsmith

    What Does Your Cat's Meow Sound Like?

    Mine meows completely silently when he knows we can see him doing the action!! Not even a squeak.
  2. kmsmith

    Infographic On Shocking Cat Obesity Stastistics

    Manufacturers wanting you to use it up quicker and buy more I guess! You'd think they'd have to abide by some regulations and have those figures backed up with evidence.
  3. kmsmith

    Infographic On Shocking Cat Obesity Stastistics

    I agree with you, it is really sad to see people not care for them correctly. Maybe it's a culture that comes from people assuming they'd eat anything in the wild so don't see a problem with free feeding or treating them with fatty foods at home.
  4. kmsmith

    Infographic On Shocking Cat Obesity Stastistics

    Hi all, saw this infographic today and found some of the statistics really surprising!! Wasn't so surprised by the human food as treats statistic since I know that's commonplace amongst my friends. The 43% of owners not reading labels on food was especially shocking, how do they even know how...
  5. kmsmith

    Dry Cat Food Pick?

    I'd agree that it's worth sticking with wet until they get used to it. It also removes the temptation to free-feed which can lead to weight gain! I try to use a mix of wet and dry, but dry is really handy for if you're out of the house for a while. Our kitty is super super fussy but the dry...
  6. kmsmith

    In Or Out?

    It depends on the circumstances and what you think is best for, have read a lot on this recently and it seems in cases where they might be rivaled by other cats it can be kinder to keep them indoors and save them the stress of fighting for territory.. There's a good book by John Bradshaw called...
  7. kmsmith

    Long Distance Car Ride Advice

    We took our boy out for a few short car rides to get him used to it before we did a 5 hour drive and gradually let him out of his carrier so he could walk around. It only took 3 or 4 trips around the block until he was pretty comfortable (staring out the window a lot hah!). Eventually we...
  8. kmsmith

    3 Week Old Kitten Not Moving

    So sorry to hear this :( Really hoping she pulls through and you see her tomorrow :(
  9. kmsmith

    Just A Little Seaweed?

    Try them with a little and be sure there aren't any allergic reactions or stomach problems, but you should be fine to feed them seaweed. As Neo_23 pointed out, I doubt they'd receive the same benefits that humans do, but there are some reports that it can aid digestion and the like.