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  1. V

    Question of the Day, Friday, April 1

    The simultaneous flushing could have caused collapsed water mains. They don't like sudden large drops in pressure. Also, it knocks off sediments and scale and causes clogging of fixtures. There really was some attempt at a metric clock in the 18th century or something like that. That it had...
  2. V

    American Sign Language

    For a while, we had a guy at work who was deaf. I only learned a couple of signs from him. Wish he'd stayed longer; perhaps I could have learned more.
  3. V

    Question of the Day, Friday, April 1

    I don't recall anyone ever pulling an "April fool" prank on me.
  4. V

    post funny cat picture and memes here

    I think if I used one of those on my cats, they'd disappear!
  5. V

    Pregnant rescued feral

    About five weeks before birth is where movement can usually be felt and seen. That's only a generalization. It occurs earlier or later with some cats. Fixed males mounting a female happens. I have one that does occasionally.
  6. V

    Feeding 26 days old kittens

    If they're eating on their own, the risk of inhalation is extremely low. Feed them what they like now. It will be easier to get them weaned. You can make changes later.
  7. V

    Leaving cats for 10 days

    I've left my three in the care of a sitter who comes and feed them twice a day on several occasions lasting up to a couple weeks. The cats do just fine. It's like I never was gone ("Oh, look! Old what's-his-face is back again."). I think yours will, too.
  8. V

    Do compressed air cans work for aggression?

    I've never used the compressed air for training, but it must work. My cats halt what they're doing and run off any time I use an aerosol can. The cats just seem terrified by them.
  9. V

    Need help with two rehomed kittens.

    Don't worry about the hissing and swatting. Even bonded pairs have a spat now and then. I have one that's just grumpy. He just hisses to hear himself hiss. The two other cats don't even bother to react when he hisses at them any more. Even though he's an old grump, they always sleep...
  10. V

    I feel like I have been feeding my cat the wrong way and harmed him.

    I feed my cats by how they look and have never counted calories. Mine are all good eaters, not fussy and finish every meal. They all get the same amounts and the female is much skinnier than the two males. I know the males don't eat her food, because I have to sit with her when she eats to...
  11. V

    Question of the day - Thursday 31 March

    I can see why some might not like it. I always did, however. Anyhow, Rudy's Hot Dog in Toledo Ohio has a chili quite like Skyline that they put on their dogs. I used to work in Toledo and Rudy's was a favorite lunch for those where I worked.
  12. V

    Question of the day - Thursday 31 March

    I've hardly ever heard anybody use the term "slumgullion" except my Dad. It was sort of a disparaging term, so it never got much use in our house. Really surprised it came up here.
  13. V

    Question of the day - Thursday 31 March

    Skyline Chili (sometimes called Cincinnati Chili) is a regional pasta dish that has both chili and shredded cheese over spaghetti. The chili has no beans and is sweetened with baker's chocolate. It's much better than one might think. Skyline is a small restaurant chain in the Cincinnati area...
  14. V

    Question of the day - Thursday 31 March

    1. Goulash 2. Pop 3. Hair Tie 4. Ice Pop 5. Lightning Bug or Firefly 6. Lollipop or All-Day Sucker 7. Freeway 8. Daddy Long-Legs 9. Heel
  15. V

    Cat paw injury??

    Probably not serious, but check with your vet for sure, since you're concerned. I'd put some Bag Balm (you can get it on Amazon, Tractor Supply, Wal-Mart or a lot of drug stores) on it until I could get it evaluated. I'd put a cone on so she can't lick the foot if you treat the wound, even...
  16. V

    Home cat ate thrown up food in the yard

    Mine all are indoor cats that live together. They must have the same flora in their guts I figure, so there's little chance of eating it that would cause illness. Besides, the one piglet got all their food--it gives them a chance to get back some of what they missed.
  17. V

    Fleas After Treatment

    Gotta treat about monthly for three months to get all the eggs. After that, kitty should be free of fleas. Some areas have flea populations that have acquired partial immunity to some flea medications. You might have to change brands to find one that works better.
  18. V

    Do your cats finish up their food?

    50 g. is an awful small portion, if my mental conversion from grams to ounces is right. Nonetheless, she does eat her dry food. Maybe you could ask your vet about an appetite stimulant if she seems too skinny. 3.9 Kg. doesn't seem too out of line for a female. We had one years ago that...
  19. V

    How do you do time outs?

    I suppose she'll catch on, but you need to be absolutely consistent in your behavior for her to get the message. I think the bathroom would probably be the best place, but she'll then hate the bathroom. Her behavior is only normal for a kitten. They can be a pest to older cats. She'll...
  20. V

    Home cat ate thrown up food in the yard

    As long as it didn't sit for too long, your cat having an unexpected snack shouldn't be a problem, gross as it seems. I have a "scarf-n-barfer." He'll push the others out of the way, gorge himself on their food, then go somewhere and puke it up. I can't always sit and police them at...