My 9 month old kitten has developed a habit of scratching at the carpet mostly by the doors to our room, my son’s room and the stairgate. We’ve put down plastic floor covers in the doorways but he’s just started scratching next to them. He wakes my son up at night and is destroying the carpet...
I have laminated flooring throughout my house apart from stairs and landing (which is brand new) but he’s scratching it. I have scratching posts and a cat tree but he would rather scratch the carpet.
any idea on how to stop it?
Hi, recently my partner moved in with me and brought his cat with him. She’s generally very well behaved but one thing I really don’t like is how she scratches my rug upstairs.
most of her stuff is upstairs (the carpet is also upstairs) because my dog doesn’t go upstairs, and we have space...
I have no shortage of quality scratching posts in the home. My previous kitty loved to scratch both down (the carpet) and up (she would cross a room for a good post.) My new kitty seems only interested in scratching the carpet. I am not opposed to this. Except she's not doing a good enough job...
We moved to rent a new house back in May, and my roommate's cat has to stay in my room because my other roommate has a cat of their own and they haven't been introduced yet. Introduction has been slow, since the one in my room is very nervous and lashes out at her when he's frightened. I don't...
I have two cats: a one-year-old named Lupin and a 10-month-old named Taro. Ever since Lupin was a kitten, he loved scratchingcarpet. He has tons of energy in general; I never saw myself getting two cats, but his play aggression got pretty bad as he got older, so I ended up adopting Taro when...
Hello everyone. While I figured out how to prevent Isabelle from scratching the carpet in front of the door separating the upstairs and downstairs by placing a doormat there as she scratches on that instead, Katrina has been using the carpet for scratching. This is Katrina's first time with...
I have two cats and for the most part scratching isn’t an issue. But the little one will NOT stop scratching one of my carpets. They have multiple vertical and horizontal scratchers both upstairs and downstairs so that there’s always one of each type available if the other cat is using one. I’ve...
My cat often eats, then scratches the carpet like she’s covering a poo, which she doesn’t do in the litter box. I’ve never had a cat do this before and have no idea why she does. Thoughts?
So long story short I live in an apartment. I know I will probably end up losing my deposit on the place if Toby doesn't stop scratching at the carpet. It's always in the corner or where the carpet meets the baseboards...I am not sure why he does it.
And it's not a daily thing...just every once...
i just moved into a nice apartment with new carpet. Does anyone know of products or something that help with my cat scratching up the carpet in the corners of the room?
Andromeda won't stop tearing up my carpets, I have 3 or 4 scratching posts through out my place, but she just won't stop scratching at carpets, I've tried everything I can think of please help.
My cat has a terrible habit of reaching under my bedroom door and scratching, he's really shredding the carpet. He has to stay out at night or he'll tear around the room like a bat out of hell and keep me up all night. I don't notice the scratching but it keeps my boyfriend up all night. He...
I have a 6 month old male kitten (Samson) that has recently started scratching the carpet seam near my balcony doors in my apartment. I have tried suggested things to stop him but nothing has worked. I have tried putting foil down, pepper and even spraying with part vinegar/water mixture...
...but I live on one of her properties currently and she trusts me. I'd rather not ruin her trust. Are there any ways to prevent carpetscratching besides many other scratching options/toys before the scratching even starts? He loves to scratch and I have a feeling that he's going to love the...
She's been scratching part of the carpet by the exit of my studio. I know because occasionally I hear her scratching in that area, but i can't see exactly where because she stops right when i get up to look, she only does this from time to time. i'm trying to find out where she's scratching and...
Hi everyone!
Myhusband and I are currently working on reintroducing our two cats, 4 year old Bodie and 2 year old Charlie.
One cat is kept in our spare room (with our couch and tv) and one is kept in the rest of the house. We live in a 2 bedroom apartment, so this is kind of our only option...
Since it's all carpet, I can't use a repellent because then he would have nowhere to walk! I've been giving him alternative objects to scratch -- scratcher from store, old foam mattress topper, cardboard boxes, my bedsheets-- but he keeps going back to the carpet. Maybe it's anxiety related...
My boy Orion has been digging up our carpet, I know it is because he is trying to get out of the room he is put in while we are our of the house, but he is put in there for his own safety. I was hoping I could get some ideas to kind of make him not scratch the carpet while he is in there. He is...
My little baby is nearly 11 weeks old and he has a habit of waking up and stretching and scratching the carpet. We have two scratching posts and a cat tree full of posts. Whenever he scratches the carpet, I say "No" firmly and pick him up and place him on the horizontal scratching post (I bought...