I am going to be moving to an apartment due to family reasons (my Dad recently had a stroke, and my parents decided they want to sell their house and move closer to family). I am trying to decide between taking my seven year old cat, Felix, vs giving him to the humane society to rehome.
I'm a little concerned about my 7 year old cat Felix. As those of you who have followed my earlier posts know, he is a shy cat with a history of a blockage (On Royal Canin SO, no repeat). I thought he was doing fine, jumping up on both my dad's and my lap voluntarily and generally making...
Before I make an vet appointment for my cat Felix, I am wondering if there might be some things I can try at home to solve the problem. I've found a pile of undigested cat food on our garage floor and on our cat tree at least three times this last week. It looks almost like the results of...
Hi, I recently had to put my cat Trixie to sleep due to arthritis and kidney disease. I wanted something that would remind me of her, but would be cheaper than a cuddle clone. I purchase a pillow from a website (I don't want to name it, in case it turns out to be legitimate after all), and am...
Thanks. I talked to a vet via Chewy today, and she said that doesn't normally cause bladder problems in cats, so I think I was on the wrong track. I'm hoping it's just a nasty UTI, and can get it cleared up, especially since Trixie seems to be doing better this weekend.
I took my cat 18+ cat Trixie to the vet yesterday for a probable UTI (dribbling urine with blood in it). By the time I got her there, she was really starting to leak bloody urine (enough that they were able to get a sample from the carrier). The vet took an x-ray (no bladder stones), did an...
That sounds like a metabolic issue like kidney disease, thyroid disease, or diabetes. I agree with taking the cat to the vet for testing, if possible, so you know what you are dealing with.
She does have some increased urination from kidney disease (being managed with diet for now). I haven't noticed that getting worse since the gabapentin.
Thanks, I will look into either having the medicine compounded with a cat friendly taste. I did notice when I was giving Trixie this afternoon's dose, that it smelled a bit like medicinal cherry. In answer to the question about supplements - The office had me put her on KD + Mobility the first...
My cat Trixie was prescribed gabapentin for her arthritis. She seems to have taken to the powder form being put in her canned food ok. However, when I changed to the liquid form a couple days ago, she seems to be turning up her nose at the medicated food (and not eating as much of it). I'm a...
They did check her kidney values. None of them were super high (her creatinine was 2.something). I will ask about CKD when I do the followup. A low sided litterbox might be a good idea also.
To give you an update - Trixie had her vet visit today. Her labs came back ok, except for some elevated white blood cell counts. The vet seemed to think she was in pain (from arthritis) as she gave her a buprenorphine shot and prescribed gabapentin and also KD with mobility instead of regular...
I made an appointment for my CKD cat Trixie to be seen this Friday for litterbox issues. Since I made the appointment, she seems to be threatening to go on a hunger strike - She did not touch her dry food, and didn't eat her canned food with her usual enthusiasm. This is the second time this...
Thanks. I will consider getting some wipes for her. I will also check out Tanya's website. To answer your questions, I was thinking a messy behind might be a symptom of worms. I haven't actually seen her go poop and do have another cat, so I think some observation is in order.
Hi, I have a question about my CKD cat Trixie. She has a messy behind, which I was attributing to her not cleaning herself very well (she is an older cat, 18+ years old, with possible arthritis). However, I noticed today that it sees to be getting worse, to the point where I am concerned it...
Thanks for the reply.. No, I have not been able to get them out using my fingers. I may end up needing to have a groomer help, but before I try that, I am wondering about trying a comb that is labeled for dematting, assuming I can do it without pulling on the mat too much. I also wonder about...
Thanks for the clarification on the furminator brushes. I expect the vet was suggesting I use that to keep the mats from happening again, and I mistakenly thought it was to use to get the mats out. I do want to try to get the mats out at home if possible. What type of brushes/techniques would...
My four year old cat Felix has some small mats on his flank near his tail. The vet commented on them when she gave him his rabies booster and suggested using a furminator brush to get them out. Before I buy one of these brushes, is there anything I should know about how they work? Am I right...