Cats don't really care which bowl they eat from. Everything is theirs as far as they are concerned. Can you separate them during mealtime--like feed them in separate rooms, or one on the counter and one on the floor, or something like that?
I also thought it sounded unlikely that a cat's color alone would be indicative of behavior...but I guess the cow pattern is at least indicative of insane levels of cuteness
Oh yes! Miss A loves to hang out in the sink, too. She used to lie on her back in the tub and nap (or stare into space--I used to joke that it was Kitty Meditation Time) when she was younger.
So, I was bored last night and looking up random things on Wikipedia. (Yes, I'm a nerd.) Under the entry for "bicolor cat" they say cow cats (mostly white with black spots) are thought to have the following characteristics: "a love of water, big personalities and a playful nature". I have no...
She could be allergic to something. Does the licking and biting seem obsessive? For instance, does she stop in the middle of some other activity to wash like she's the World's Dirtiest Cat? Does she always go for the same place? Is it hard to distract her once she gets going?
My cat has also been known to throw herself through screens to get at things outside--other cats, birds, squirrels--and she is not a particularly active cat. Most window screens are not all that secure, and a determined cat at high speed can motor on through. If you're going to open the...
While you're doing your detective work, why not try keeping a litterbox in the house for her? Even a disposable one might help--she's going to go all over the house if she doesn't have a designated place.
Why can't she have the steroid year-round? My cat has similar symptoms to yours and we have determined that it is an allergy to something in the environment; she's on prednisolone (pills, not shots) every day.
Miss Arizona has allergies year-round. Hers also appear to be environmental--probably inhaled. She's currently on prednisolone, but we tried a few other things first and this isn't yet the last resort.
I buy doggie waste bags. The ones I buy are called "Stoop and Scoop", I think. They use to make them for cats, but I haven't seen the kitty ones in a long time.
My cat had a blockage a couple of years ago. Like your cat, she seemed pretty chipper for most of the time but vomited up everything she ate. By the time I got her to the vet she wasn't feeling so good. After an X-Ray confirmed that she was just constipated, they gave her a laxative at the...