hi Elinor,
I just wanted to say that I have pretty bad alelrgies and also an oriental, specifically a Tonkinese. I spent about an hour with her before I brought her home to make sure she wouldn't bother my allergies (I've had reactions to other cats)and have never had a problem...
I like to name my pets after characters in books I've read. My latest addition, a hamster, is named Pippin from The Hobbit. I think there are at least a dozen cool names in that book alone!
When do cats usually stop growing? My cat is 8 months old and has been 4.5 lbs for the last 3 months. This seems awful small for a cat and even for her breed. She's a tonkinese which aren't known to be large cats but aren't usually this tiny either. Her mother was 6.5 lbs. I've asked my vet...
I live in Seattle and was on the top floor of a very tall (and old) building when the quake hit. It swayed so hard that I had trouble getting under a desk and then the ceiling tiles started to fall. Luckily the support structure held and nobody in my building was hurt but at the time we...
Does anyone besides myself have a tonkinese? I didn't see any other than my own on the cat pages and thought it would be fun to talk with other tonk owners. I may be a little biased but I think they are the coolest breed in the world (alright, so maybe I'm more than just a little biased)!
I live in Seattle, a little south of Gold Bar where a kitten named Angel was severly abused. I saw that Anne had put a link to the article in The Seattle Times and I just wanted to say that the media coverage on this case has been phenomenal. Every time I turn on the TV they are talking about...
The vet says that it will most probably return. An added complication is that Zoe developed Horner's syndrome during the excision. Horner's Syndrome is characterized by a sunken eye, protruding third eyelid, and constricted pupil. It is usually due to nerve trauma and will probably resolve in...
The mystery of Zoe's respiratory condition has been solved. It was neither bacterial, viral or allergies. It was, in fact, one monstrous nasal polyp. The vet said she was surprised Zoe could even breath at all. So the good news is the mystery has been solved, the bad news is that although...
My cat started getting a floppy tummy too and the vet put her on a diet (she was only 5 months at the time). So I don't think its bad to cut down on the amount of food you give a kitten--its better than waiting until she has a real weight problem. Annie
Just a quick update--
Zoe's eye appears to be all better now but she is still just as congested as ever. However, she doesn't act like she feels sick anymore. Before she was lethargic, wouldn't eat or drink and just looked anxious. Now she's eating and drinking well and bounding all over the...
Well, I just came back from the vet AGAIN. I had brought her in for a recheck two days ago. The vet agreed she was worse and put her on a different antibiotic (augmentin) along with viral therapy (alpha interferon). The vet said if she was not improved in 5 days to bring her back in to be...
She actually doesn't have any discharge. It's all up in her sinuses (and sometimes it sounds like it's in the back of her throat). She doesn't sneeze, have a fever or cough and doesn't have any eye discharge--just a whole lot of sinus congestion. I have a recheck appt. in a couple days and...
My 6 month old cat, ZOE, has had congestion for almost 2 months now. At first the vet thought it was viral and I was told to wait it out. After a month, they decided to give her antibiotics "just in case," which didn't help. Now the vet says that it might be allergies although she really...
Sorry everyone,
I added something to my website and I didn't know that it would take it down for a while. It should be back up tonight or tomorrow morning. Annie
Hi Everyone,
I'm building a website about my cat Zoe. If anyone wants to see it (there are just a few pictures up right now)just click on the link!!!
Hi all,
My cat Zoe loves to sample whatever I am eating. For example, right now I am sitting at my computer eating cajun pork and rice and she's eating it faster than I am. I try to keep her away because it seems like all that spice wouldn't be good for her but she LOVES it! Should I just...