I would have to say that one of the jobs I really wouldn't want is one for the Port-a-Potties....ew ew ew ew ew ew. Or sewage removal/cleaning septic tanks and such. yuck.
I also couldn't be a mortician, or anyone who deals with dead ppl. Or sick ppl. I don't do so well with that stuff...
I would never:
wear my pajamas to the store/downtown! I know lots of kids/college kids do it, but really, it bothers me. Get out of those pajamas and put some decent clothes on! That's why they are made, and why you probably have them in your closet! I mean, I stay in my pajamas (most days)...
Ok, so I'm thinking my last post sounded a bit grouchy lol. So here's to make up for it!
I've noticed:
*my nephew gets cuter by the day!! And hes' finally learning that I'm a nice person lol (before he always kind of hid from me, b/c I don't see him everyday, only a couple times a month)...
These are some of my "petty" pet peeves, mostly from work.
-Why can't you be nice and put like 6 garbage bags in the cans?? If you pull them up so the bottom is at the top, you don't have to worry about the tops and sides falling in....so simple, yet so hard to do!!!
-Stupid co-workers who...
**Keep in mind I work in a fast food restaurant that's trying to stay caught up with every other fast food place on the planet, and so these are some "pet peeves"--Maybe I"m on the wrong post?? lol Well keep reading...it's not all bad! lol
I've noticed:
-People in general are ruder than ever...
Yes, Kate's still around....well kind of! She is finished at HP now, and then her computer died on her, so she's waiting to get it fixed. She's doing pretty good. Trying to decide on what to do next, at this point in her life. Anyways, next time I'm talking to her, I'll let her know you were...
Congratulations to all of you who have lost weight, and good luck to those of you just starting!
I would just like to say, it's not will power you need, you need a lifestyle change. (I'm taking from Dr. Phil!). Change your house: buy only fruits and veggies and healthy stuff, get rid of...
Thanks Sam!! That's so cute!
I made a mistake on the last tip, about wrapping it....if you put the sides in first, then the bottom it works better. I had to teach a new girl, so now I remember. Usually it's just automatic and I forget sometimes how it's supposed to go. Hope it all turns out...
You can get it in different sizes. I'd look around, and see what i can find, if I were you. You never know. I guess for that dress, the smallest size is size 6.....Good luck!
Ok, I don't have that problem....my problem is short legs, a long body that isn't overly thin (I have a tummy problem ) and a weird bust. Anyhow, do you have someone, or can you make yourself, a dress from scratch? My mom made the bridesmaid's dresses for my sister's wedding...
Have you had any luck wrapping your wraps yet? I work in a place that has wraps, and here are a few hints:
1. Don't put too much stuff in them. It may look like you're being cheap, but you aren't. And you can always make yourself another one.
2. Put the sauce on either first before the...
No, I don't think I got into trouble, it turned out to be something small. Mom and my brother took it to get it fixed, and it only cost like maybe $5. If that. So it wasn't serious or anything. And it works good So it's all good now.
Hello everyone
Well, I've finally decided that it was time to do something about my weight. It hasn't been that bad, but I've gained over the last few years, and am not happy with the way my body looks. So I joined TOPS (www.tops.org). and I've been with it for about a month now, and lost...
Chocolate, strawberries, too much sugar, and I'm thinking I'm allergic to flour/starch-y type stuff and sugars, b/c it doesn't matter what I eat, I always end up stuffed up for at least a few hours after I eat But it's not serious or anything, just makes it a little difficult. I get hives...
I have a small (probably about 1 to 1 1/2 inches) rose on my left ankle, just plain black. I really like it, and as I'm not an adventurous type, it suits me. No one believed me when I got it done. They had to wait like two weeks to make sure it was still there! lol I don't have a pic of...
I generally crochet, but Shorty still likes to eat the yarn. And if you don't put it away, she'll sit there and eat it. I wonder why. It's not like it can taste that great. Oh well. Cats are wierd little creatures aren't they!? lol
Well I am finally stepping up a notch! I am moving way closer to work (20 miles is too far to walk ppl! lol), only a few blocks away, so I am figuring on walking most days to work. And also, with moving out comes less food. So that part I don't mind! lol Less food, more walking equals more...