Me and my long term BF are thinking of going to New Zeland for a couple of years (in a couple of years). I have 4 beautiful little furr babbies that I wouldn't dream of leaving behind for that long, but I have no clue as to how I would take them with us. One of them I know for a fact would have...
Oh and I rarley pick her up Hissy, I just roll over and give her a hug first thing in the morning... She always sleeps with me. She has since I first got her. I'm guessing it's a comfort thing.
My little fur baby Hobo (a long haired calico mongrel with one eye (lost in an accedent when she was a kitten, long since healed)) has been acting strange lately.
The biggest clue it to me is that she's gotten a heck of a lot more aggresive , not only with myself (taking out a chunk of my...
Actualy my dear thats your cat "marking" you. There are small glands in the nose area of the cats, and when they rub against you they're marking you with their paticular smell. It's them saying "Hey no one touch her/him, because they're mine.."
~ Salem
If you have one with more than 2cats ((like I made the mistake of doing)) then you will find that it fails to clean the box properly. Not only that but onces I came home to find one of my long haired calicos stuck in the machine ((her tail got caught in the rake)).
~ Salem
Yeah I would expect that in this case you haven't given them enough time... have you looked up the diffrent ways of introucing cats? I'm sure I could find a ton of them for you if you'd like, because I'm thinking one reason they might not be so "nice to each other" is because they never got...
What you might have to do is take him to a behavioral specialist, because it's obvious that there is "something" wrong with him. Cats rarely change so drasticaly over such a short period of time. Have you thought of taking him to another vet? I know that may not be cost effective, but sometimes...
If you don't mind me asking you how long have you had your "Little Hellion" around with the other cats? because it took my Vagabond almost a month before she warmed up to hobo enough to stop terrorizing her (and hobo was just 2 months old!). Maybe your hubby is correct tin the fact that you guys...
We have recently discovered another virus that is a mutation of the previous virus WORK,the new Virus is called MARRAGE.
We sugest that if you come into contact with MARRAGE that you immeadly take a booster shot of BEER before the virus becomes unberable.
If infected with MARRAGE you will...
I personlay would get them off the purenia as fast as you can. I was told by my vet that it is the worst type of kitten food you can feed your kittens (due to the incredibaly high amount of ash).
I would sugest Acana, because it's natural, has a heck of a lot more vitamines (sp?), as well as a...