Hi- I am glad that Maggies blood work is ok. I think an internal medicine vet would be a great idea. My boy has IBD and I would want to have that ruled out in a cat that has frequent bouts of vomiting. My boy had more constipation than diarrhea but IBD cats can have one or the...
I wanted to update this thread. After meeting with the surgeon with Junebug I was convinced surgery was the way to go. We met the surgeon on Monday 3/16 and surgery was on Friday 3/20. This was done at a speciality hospital/VCA. Junebug did very well with surgery and came home the...
I want to thank you so much for your reply. I kept thinking about this during our decision making process. We saw the surgeon on Monday 3/16 and JB had surgery on Friday 3/20/20-he did very well with surgery and is healing up nicely. We have had some blood in his urine this week which we...
Thanks so much. It takes a bit to get everything pulled together. I may be able to get tissue if they can in fact do a cystoscopy at the Illinois Vet School. I will take him for eval next week. Would like to find someone before than and closer but so far no luck. Doing surgery...
Thank you. Junebug is my heart. We are so connected. Getting all the information is the best approach. I have been reading and there are newer ways of putting older cats under which is not as hard on them.
My brother has a cat who is 21. They live in the country and this cat , Fred, came with the property. He has lived inside/outside all of his life. He developed a growth on his nose that got very large. It was there for several years but than became infected. The new vet they...
My 16 year old cat Junebug has a mass in an area of his bladder that can be removed and biopsied. It is not clearly cancer but since the area enlarged in 2 months the oncologist has given us the option of surgery to get a diagnosis and remove the area in question. She cannot guarantee...
I hope that you get better news than the initial visit. A plain xray does not tell the whole story. One of my guys is diagnosed with IBD, this was based off an ultrasound and not a bx. Lymphoma was also a concern but since he has been eating well and gained weight back we are hoping that...