Stray kitty has disappeared. ☹ We had a couple really cold nights and a night/day with sleet and snow, so we set him up in the sun room when he showed up to eat around 5 each day, and let him out after breakfast in the a.m. when it warmed up. He didn't like it much but it was just too darn cold...
Thank you for all you've done for the poor cats. It is a daunting task, and just awful how many live in bad conditions all over the country.
I understand about go fund me/crowd funding, animal issues seem to be at the bottom of the list for people. They'll happily contribute to ridiculous stuff...
Yes, she eventually passed from CRF, but at a fairly old age (almost 18). So even with all of her health problems she did pretty well.
I don't quite understand your vet's suggestion to use flovent after an attack, I have to use mine daily to prevent attacks and I would assume it's the same for...
I don't know if vets still do this, but about a decade ago, we had a kitty who developed asthma and received a steroid shot every few months. This worked quite well and her asthma was well-controlled, for the most part. We did purchase an Aerokat device for her, which we only had to use a couple...
Of course nothing should happen to your kitten or other cat, I hope no one told you it should. It is great that you are getting the kitten neutered. You are doing the right thing by taking kitty to the vet, it is much easier and cheaper to treat injuries immediately. I hope you will let us know...
I can't be sure, but I can tell you our two with scratched eyes completely recovered. If the eye is severely injured it may take more veterinary intervention to save it, but a minor scratch can be treated with drops/ointments and will be okay quickly. Here's a good article by a veterinarian: Why...
Maybe microwaveable hot packs would work? Heat a couple up, put in bowl, put smaller bowl with water on top of them. Or a metal hot water bottle since you can fill those with much hotter water than rubber ones. Alternatively, since straw insulates, I wonder if a large bowl stuffed with straw and...
Don't worry too much, the eye will probably be okay. We have had a couple with scratched eyes due to fighting and the vet prescribed eye drops that prevented infection and cleared the scratches up. If they are not neutered you should have that done, that will make them less aggressive and less...
I feel for you! We purchased a shelter and body heat warming pad for "our" stray and he just won't use it. Put catnip in there, put his food in there, and he will enter to eat the food but then walk out again. I put inside-out fleece sweats around the pad so he can be cozy when it does get cold...
I am so sorry you were bitten, I hope your hand is okay. It really sucks to try to help and have to deal with aggression, it is so kind of you to still try to help her.
Ugh, things are not improving at all. He is definitely aggressive, I've gotten scratched badly twice more. No provocation on my part, just stepping onto the deck once, and picking up his empty plate and heading back in the house to get him more food the other time. I know better than to turn my...
All went well, he tested negative for all nasties, including heartworm. He has been vaccinated and has to go in for a booster on the 28th, and he is scheduled to be neutered on Jan. 21, they squeezed him in as early as they could. They verified he is an intact male, approx. 18 months old, and he...
Yes, dropped him off an hour ago and will pick him up before they close. They are only doing curbside drop and pickup.
We asked to have him tested for all the nasties and haven't heard anything yet, so that hopefully means he is negative.
We did find out at dropoff that they are backlogged...
This baby is so incredibly lucky, thank goodness for the original rescuers, and especially for you who is willing and able to take on the expense and initial care! I am kind of hoping the baby will recover and stay with you, once she does!
There are so many horrible, monstrous, vile people in...
I am sooo hoping they may be able to help place him, but I don't have high hopes, especially with covid raging here in TX and transfers to other shelters having pretty much stopped as a result. Even local animal control has stopped in-taking surrenders because of that, which I think is a bad...
Update - It's a boy! While he was distracted eating this a.m., I quickly poked around his rear end and definitely felt 2 small testicles. So that explains the more aggressive behavior and, hopefully, it'll be resolved once he is neutered. And it also explains the aggressive male who belongs to...
I was referring to the church officials who oppose help for the cats. They are hypocrites if they refuse to help living creatures, but pretend to be christian. Christians help others, or facilitate help for others, or at least don't stand in the way. They don't condemn others to misery by...
Do you have a local humane society or animal rescue org(s) who might talk to the church hypocrites and intervene on behalf of the cats? Or maybe your vet?
The kitty is really floofy, lots of long fur on the rear end. We were initially pretty sure it's a female, but kitty rolled over on his/her back briefly and husband is sure he saw testicles. But we'll find out for certain on Monday from the vet.
I know it would be so much better if we could...