Hi. I thought I'd let everyone know what is going on with Oreo. I feel kind of stupid to say the least. I got him to the vet today and he was looked at. It turns out he's had an allergic reaction to something. My vet says its like a really really bad sunburn that someone is running their...
Hi folks,
I am having a problem someone can talk to me about. My Oreo (7yrs 24#) is having a problems with "quivers" I know they are not seizures but I'm not sure what it is and the vet can't see him until Wednesday. If I run my hand down his back, about half way he will start quivering...
I guess I missed the boycott on Hartz. I have a tube of the salmon flavored Hairball Remedy and another flavor. I haven't had to use it in quite a while since I started growing Oat Grass in containers in the windows and letting them eat it whenever they want. I also try to groom them more...
This may sound like a testimonial, but back in November, my furnace started backfiring during the night (for about 4 hours while we were sleeping before the alarms woke me up). My kitchen, upstairs stairwell, bathroom, just about everyroom in my house was covered in either layers of soot or a...
Hi folks, We finally made it back here. At the present I am trying to help my long time family friend find info on Scottish Folds. She told me she's found a few sites, but wants to make sure the info is really reliable since her cousin wants it. Any Suggestions where to find it?
My two fur...
I thought this was great. My two adore catnip too. I give it to them as a special treat or if they get a new toy with it. My little female, Mony, gets to be "a mean drunk" and Oreo just gets more mellow.
I have found out through trial and error with Oreo (22 lb male) not to mix the scent of...
Hi, I thought I was the only one with this problem. I have two that are trying to eat the fake tree. They are also eating my silk flowers and anything that looks green. Someone told me to get Bitter Apple at the pet store and spray the bottom of the tree.
In the meantime, it's fun watching...
i saw the post about the vet in NJ. I'm in NJ too, Southern NJ close to Delaware. My "regular" vet is in Pennsville and the emergency hospital is 15- 20 minutes away in DE. If you want that name and number I can send it to you. The Emergency place is only open from 8:00 P.M to 8 or 9 A.M. Talk...
Hi Everyone. I finally got a chance to get back here. We've had an eventful time lately and I have a serious type quesiton. Back on the 16th my smoke detectors woke me up about 5 am. The cats were still sound asleep and didn't respond until I started getting my son up and out of the house. Our...
Thanks so much for enlightening me. I think mine have tried just about all of those, plus a few more. Buzz words around my house "Hey, watch where you put your tail" We found this applies to the cats & people (we have to look for them before we move and they like to swish us in "delicate"...
Hi pamelaj,
I had to respond to this one. I have two "babies" Mony(f, 10) & Oreo (m,5. We had a barbecue chicken dinner this evening & Mony came and joined us. I told her she begs as bad as my dogs used to.Needless to say, she shared my chicken. Oreo, on the other hand, won't eat hardly any...
Thanks Sandie I thought that was the case, but it's been a while.
Any suggestions on tangles in long hair cats? Mony is a beautiful gray and white, but from just past half way down her back she's all tangles. Someone said they were "lick tangles". I've got the grooming conditioner to use, but...
Hi, I'm back. Well, my two Mony & Oreo are doing good. I did find it a little strange after my car accident that they wouldn't come too near me, Mony sniffed my hands after the x-rays and wouldn't come close to me or take treats from me for a few days.
Any way, to the question: Since these two...
Why would you want to take on that kind of a challenge, other than to get things stirred up? I've been away for a while and things sure have changed.
Hi, just wanted to jump in here. I am of the firm belief that these independent babies know their names and make us work for them like our kids do. My Mony and Oreo know there names and can tell by my pitch what is happening. They especially know :"kittlins, treats!". They also know when they...
Hi O&P and alexnell, glad to hear I don't have the only fridge lover and blanket lover around. Only my Mony loves the fridge, she "hugs" it (standing up, one paw on the side the other on the front of the door) when I walk near it and stands up on the bottom of the inside when I open the door...
Mindi just reminded me of my cats. When we are playing "stick" (the plastic ones that use to have feathers and now just crochet thread), Mony likes to play "Cessna Kitty" (my son's name for it. If I start spinning or twirling it in a circle really fast (Cessna), she becomes a gray blurr. Oreo...