In regards to "socialization," I think what some people tend to forget is that school really isn't a social place (and a lot of the interaction that occurs between kids is hostile). In school, children sit at desks nearly all day long and are told *not* to talk to one another. Other than lunch...
Willlowy-As a radical unschooler, I'm loving your responses. My son is just three and a half, but it's amazing to see how much he learns everyday just by living life. I'd love to talk to you some more about your experience as an unschooler if you'd be willing to chat. PM me?
So, you respect your elders, but you don't respect children? Well, that makes a ton of sense.
Just so I've got this straight
Hitting a child-ok
Child hitting another person-not ok, spank to teach them so.
Not hitting children has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has everything to do with respecting children as full human beings. I would never hit my husband/mother/best friend/stranger at the park for doing something I deemed inappropriate, even if I had requested that the behavior...
You know, maybe you're right: maybe the next time my cat does something I don't want him to (after telling him over and over to say, not scratch my couch), I ought to just pop him one. I mean, sure, he doesn't understand what I'm saying, but at least if I hit him, he'll fear me enough to stop...
To a 4-year-old, telling her she's "being ugly" will most likely translate to "you're ugly" rather than "you're doing something I don't think you should be doing." Can you imagine the hurt she must have felt hearing those words come from you?
Utopia and Otto are right: you did nothing but teach...
I would get the cheaper apartment and invest in a small portable washer. That way, you can do small loads (like your uniform) frequently and just hang it to dry.
Laurie- You said you did an elimination diet(s) to rule out food triggers and that you avoid MSG. Do you also avoid food coloring (Red 40, for example) and High Fructose Corn Syrup? Those things can can do *nasty* things to a person, and they're in a lot of things that you wouldn't suspect.
Honestly, Laurie, I know it sounds a little out there but if I were Gary I would:
Switch to an all raw-food diet (Check out the book 12 Steps to Raw Foods).
Check for food allergies (gluten, dairy, soy, etc)
Get thee to a chiropractor
Drink more water than I thought possible in any given day...
Not a parenting book, but The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer is fantastic. The Baby Book by William Sears is a good parenting-type book.
Also, I'd suggest heading over to the forums at The women there are and child-centered.
Why not say "yes" as much as you can? Pack up some bottles of ice water and some sidewalk chalk and head outdoors with the kid. Running through the sprinkler is also a great idea, as is talking to him about the weather (heat/humidity) and setting a time limit of how long you're going to stay...
We have a retractable indoor clothesline and two drying racks. I've been drying everything but towels, underwear, socks, and Jude's diaper inserts for a while now.
My personal advice would be to take a hard look at what it is you're buying. $700/month for two people is a ton of money. Also, make sure you take into account whether or not you eat out on top of that $700/month, because that's food too, ya know?
I can feed my family of three (DH, DS (2), and...
My husabnd is taking me to a matinee showing tomorrow!
We're also taking our 2 year old son with us. He loves The Incredibles, so we figured, why not? (=
Thin-ish crust with black olives and green peppers. Alternately, I like pizza from Vince the Pizza Prince in Scranton, PA (my hometown). Their pizza is round and thin-ish. The sauce isn't sweet, and there are a lot of spicy spices on it. They also use a mix of cheese (think american cheese and...