Mischief has calmed considerably. The vet has looked her over and said that she is in good health and has recovered very nicely. It seems that she just is stressed out since being subjected to so much change in so little time. Now the only time she cries wildly is when everyone is in one room...
I take it as a sign of playing. My cats stalk each other around the couch and then its up and down the hallway. It usually calms into a cleaning session. The two are littermates and have been acting that way around each other their entire lives. I only worry once I hear hissing.
And now after...
Melissa, can you afford to take her to the vet's? It might be a good idea just to make sure that she didn't catch anything from her little romp in the great outdoors and perhaps he can give you some insight into her possible pregnancy situation.
I am not sure about the child realization part. I have never witnessed child/cat interaction before.
From experience I find that they are reacting to the sound when it comes to crying. I have had my moment or two of bursting into tears to find a curious face trying to press between my arms to...
Dander is basically small flakes of skin 'shedding' from the body. Most refer to it as scales. Makes me think of lizards. So, the cat cleaning itself won't spread the dander anymore then kitty walking around and playing.
Welcome to the site!
For the cat flap one, if you are planning on installing a magnetic cat flap I would see at first how he handles collars before installing one. If he needs some time in adjusting to the weight and feel I'd wait and let him get used to it inside. Then you don't risk him...
Really and truly if you are buying any garden supplies from places like Home Depot and Lowes check with the garden associates there if you have outdoor pets and / or small children. Having worked at Home Depot for more years then I care to admit I can tell you straight up that most of their...
Yea, they still scratch. I have a three tier cat tree in the living room that they have clawed so much that now chunks of carpet fabric has started falling out. Mischief, my cat omega, prefers to climb up to the mid point and scratch at it while hanging there. How she manages to keep on the post...
Since I have gotten my cats I have clipped their claws. I do it more for my tender cuttable flesh then for the carpet and the couch. But recently I have noticed that a couple of their claws have grown in thick and dull. They are no longer slender and stiletto like, but almost well thick is the...
Two of my cats are litter mates and I find it amusing because if one sees a bird outside she begins chittering. Then the other will come running in, stay on the floor and make these kind of responsive sounds to the one on the window sill. The one of the sill will look down at the one on the...
I wish I had an answer because I am experiencing something similar here. Though in my case my kitty still cries even in my lap. She doesn't like to be held, which has always been the case. She used to be very quiet only crying when going into heat. I had her spayed last week, and the procedure...
Well, Isis really doesn't have too much larger ears then either of my tabbies. The most notable thing about Isis, besides her spots, are her eyes which are very almond shaped and she always looks concerned. heh, a trait of her breed.
They are really cute kittens! It's hard to say what kind of...
Yea, I also have to agree.
The thing is this, people buy kittens when they're all cute and cuddly and think to themselves that this is what they want. Then they find out that the kitten is an active ball of pure energy, or the kitten grows up to be not as cute as it once was and they loose the...
Tomorrow morn I shall call the vet and Mischief will be carted away. I would imagine that if it has gotten one of them it has gotten all three since they are so close. Tomorrow when I have daylight on my side I shall do a thorough cleaning of the apartment and see if there are any loose screens...
Hmm, if tapes are transmitted by fleas then I think I am wrong. Oh, but it was most certainly a worm...I hate worms more then anything and it was white and too alive for me. I don't mind dealing with the dead ones. But when they're alive...
All of my cats are indoors. But that doesn't...
Well, as I was petting Mischief I found a little flat thin worm coming out of her. *shudder* Well, from all the descriptions it looks to be a tapeworm. I read the previous thread on tapeworms, and she will be promptly taken to the vet, but I want to ask a few questions to perhaps avoid some...
Your kitties look so sweet!
The one thing I notice about Isis, my roomie's silver Egyptian Mau (I gotta keep reminding myself she isn't mine so when the day comes that we part ways I won't feel too clingy) compared to my mixed who knows what's in their ancestory tabbies are her eyes are very...
I have a friend who's cat is going to be eightteen this year, and he suspects that with Pit Fiend's health going strong that he should last another couple years or so.
Indoor cats can live a long time.
As for Egyptian Maus - here's Isis the Oreo Chaos Kitten a silver Mau. She has spots all...