they knew we were trying to adopt it. She was such a beautiful cat maybe the person wanted to breed her for kittens and gave us a similar cat.
Maybe that's why we keep getting shut down so hard.
I going the corporate route at their company website.
my gorgeous girl.
I've tried to load her best picture 5 times but it fails so the rite aid ad can flash in my face.
we scanned all the listings for all the cats all of the Los Angeles shelters. If she was taken there she was euthanized.
it had to be so.done with access to all the cats because...
they did was the pet smart. And I looked on the gogle review for that location and some worker lady there had taken a cat before
This is gorgeous white and black with huge green eyes, funny, smart.
I wonder...
no they don't care about the other cat. They won't tell me where they put it. I asked on the pho e they put me on hold until I hung up and called again. zthe petsmart people say it is the fault of the animal hospital people
I am thinking of going viral or calling a TV station.
No they did not...
my heart is broken they will not take response so ility spoke to two people there today the manager was out. They agree from the pictures that they are different but say there is noting they can do.
we went to petdmart today with our pictures. They agreed it wasntvthr same cat but there was nothing they could do.
Zi start sobbing every time I think of how scared and beyrayed my cat was and what happened to her I will never know.
This cat was so cute and funny and beautiful and Pet...
the cat brought back rannext door to hide in a school and food is gone by morning
I asked the person ehy they didn't think it IDD she didtt come and play with him and eat from him like before.
The person I asked to deal with has nor answered my emails and banfield animal hospital will not...
I just spoke to the Banfield animal hospitalnin West Covina can. I asked them what happened when they gave back the wrong cat.
I asked what they did with the extra carts I unaccounted for. I said what dobyou dobwhen youve goven the wrong cat back_, what do you do with the other cats. Do they...
what a sweet kitty. I got deja vu reading your remarks VIs a Vis the licking but not biting up the food. The stress routes to rough play in an exhausting pattern.
I noticed a similar issue with a stray I rescue. She had trouble eating and any noise + or possible invisible friends_),distracted...
I am in nursing home. other person took cat home. she ran away and hides but comes middle night to eat. Below is my baby and splithy replacement cat.
Ii only hope they didn't out her to a shelter.
This cat is so special this torture for me.
no it was the animal hospital adjacent. West Covina off Azusa Ave (Southern California_}
they say the mgr isn't in until Monday
the markings on back and side don't match and she gained 15 lbs in one week_?
my stray we rescued was I'll and we took it to petsmart. a week later they gave UA a cat that wasn't a mat h. she immediately ran away and only came back in the middle of the night for food.
then I compared pictures. its not my cat!! the markings are very similar butn other spots are in the...
yeah it always boils down to vet options not available. These people next door I think they are breeding kittens for pet shops or private sales. They feed like ten cats and let them live on their back yard and go under their house and in their front yard...
Little baby was 'runt' so small she...
the adhesives would operate against the fleas not the cats skin.
And wouldn't one day of total freedom from such a damaging infestation be worth it? The cat is in crisis.
As a general practice it might not be advisable but child proof gluebused in craft projects wouldn't contain toxic adhesives...
the fleas are coming from the dog. You need a safe room for baby. any pics?
yes soapy water is the end for fleas
what about. q tips dipped in craft glue
itlll wash out but sticky the fleas. or apply masking tape...and press on press off them hiding fleas.
poor baby.
bomb the house while everyone Is out and get her groomed professionally with a flea dip. look for where the fleas are coming from. other animals... beach areas. neighbor dogs...