I haven't read the entire thread (gotta leave in a few to start cutting wood with DH), but here's my 2 cents worth.
I was pregnant twice in 2010 and miscarried both times. The first time was a surprise because DH was told by his doctor that he probably couldn't have kids (due to chronic illness...
I'm just now seeing this. Prayers and its nothing serious with your daughter. Glad the pups are ok though. Wow, that's a lot she has to go through. Keep us posted!
It came down pretty good all day at work, including little snow balls (sleet) that bounced. Snow is not supposed to bounce. I hate driving in this stuff and I was panicking but by the time I reached the main roads they were clear. I hate where my work is located because all you have to go by is...
Little Christmas is the feast of the 3 Kings, or the Epiphany, when the 3 kings gave their gifts to the baby Jesus. From my understanding, some religions use that date (Jan 6) as the day for giving gifts, and Dec 25 as a religious holiday to remember the birth of Christ. In our house...
Everything arrived perfectly! And, I know how fragile starfish can be when shipping, but he got here all in one piece. Actually, I'm thinking about hanging him from my car's review mirror and not wait until next Christmas to use him....he is so cute!
The chocolate bar I was referring to was the...
Well, I actually was a lightsider this year (surprise!) and it was worth it! Betsygee was my SS...Thank you for everything! We love it! I used DH's phone to take the pics since I can't find my digital camera, and some of them didn't turn out (stupid smart phone is smarter than me!) But here's...
Ok, I think I may FINALLY have time to open my package tonight! This week has been crazy! Of course, Christmas IS only a week away....I may decide to be a lightsider this year. Hmmm...what to do.....
I got a message from my MIL saying "oh, I forgot, there's a package for you at my house". Now, I haven't ordered anything that would be delivered, so I can only guess that I GOT MY SS PRESENT!!!!!
Now, the downside is....MIL is not home, and I don't know what time she will be getting home...